Monday, January 26, 2015

Yoga Sutras - PARINAMA

Principle 11 - Parinama
Grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
The Serenity Prayer

Our heart-mind (citta) can change rapidly but our deeply rooted opinions and longstanding habits are much slower to transform.
"According to yoga and modern science, all matter is made up of basic elements that never fundamentally change.  Yet they take on different forms and combine into thousands of different molecules and composites. Each person's field of consciousness (citta) go through many changes yet inside we all share the same inner light of awareness (purusa) that silently watches them."
Changes in our physical boddy affect our breath, heart and mind. The current state of each individual heart and mind (citta) is the result of past experiences and habitual patterns.  Nature (Drsya) like the conscious mind continually changes.

Real lasting change usually begins with discomfort and ends with joy and respect for oneself.
I can replace obstructions to my progress with what encourages and supports moving in a positive direction.
I will set an intention for positive changes in my life that are conducive to the practice of yoga.

Think about some aspect of yourself that you'd like to change. Create a plan to gradually transform this aspect. As you follow your plan, observe yourself each time you either behave before or succeed in modifying your behavior. (These moments may be noticeable only if you sit quietly at the end of the day and ponder the day's events) Over time, you may need to adjust your plan until it works and you feel positive about the results.
Recall a time in your life when change was thrust upon you. How did you react  to this change? Consider how you might react differently the next time you experience an unexpected turn of events, in terms of staying positive and moving forward with your life instead of letting the event pull you down.
How are you different than you were ten or twenty years ago? Think about what caused these changes. Were they intentional or natural result of your surroundings (people, places, or events in history)? If intentional how did you influence others by your example?

It all changes when you begin to imprint your intention upon the universe instead of it imprinting its intention upon you.

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