Saturday, January 3, 2015

January 3rd, 2015

Planetary Aspects of the Day
3:40AM Sun square Uranus
Tension between the ego and the planet of rebellion, the great awakener.  Strong resonating energy from the Grand Cardinal Cross.  Pay attention to dreams upon waking for important messages from the unconscious.  A big push to accept change and when something is not planned well it is easily disrupted today.
4:14AM Moon sextile Jupiter
Brings soft appreciation instilling goodwill and nurturing associations
6:56AM Moon trine Mars
An uplifting gusto of energy to get you going
9:49AM Venus transitions into Aquarius until January 27th
Shifting the goddess of Love out of earthy enduring Capricorn and into airy restless Aquarius. Bringing in high energy of revolution requiring freedom and evolution in relationships. Consider only the avenues toward peace, harmony and prosperity.
6:31PM Sun conjunct Pluto
Completing the intense energy started this morning. Passionate transformation and empowerment. This is a volitile time requiring a strong conviction for Truth. Avoid an all or nothing mentality.  Look for the Win/Win.
8:08PM Moon transitions into Cancer
Soothing and sensitizing our environment as feelings surface easily and have an impact.
Planetary Placements
Sun in Capricorn
Moon in Gemini > Cancer
Mercury in Capricorn
Venus in Capricorn > Aquarius
Mars in Aquarius
Jupiter in Leo
Saturn in Sagittarius
Uranus in Aries
Neptune in Pisces
Pluto in Capricorn

So what does it all mean?  I get that question a lot when explaining astrological concepts and observations to others...  It means nothing when you apply no meaning to it.  Or it can mean everything when you associate the ideas that have importance to you.  What I'm getting at is, the 'importance' of where the planets are and how their interacting is not within its meaning but rather the unfolding pattern of it all.  We are all complicated unique patterns of heartbeat and habit within this really really big pool of ever-changing patterns.  Early evidence of observation of galactic activity dates back as long as 25,000 years ago.  Over time people attached specific characteristics to the planets, stars, and their placement making communication of their concepts easier.  As I study this practice I find value within the concepts that I discover questioning my mind's, body's and spiritual development.  What are you focusing on?  What are you acting on?  Who are you turning to?  Who are you helping?  How do you give love?  How do you accept love?  What is changing in your life with and without your control?  Where are you going?  What can you bring with you?  How are you getting there etc.

I am tired of being submissive to my body.  Conditionally loving and respecting myself.  To love myself relies on following my personal truth and being the vehicle for completion of all the prosperous possibilities provided by my awakened potential.  I love my truest self; full of benevolent intention anticipating all the wondrous adventures and oh so ready to creatively express myself.  Mentally and emotionally I must be stronger to expand myself on a spiritual level.  Chained within the conditioned habits of this life.  Free your body to attain presence, discipline, precision.  Free your mind to attain clarity, meaning, genius.  Free your spirit to attain peace, purpose, and truth.

I polarize in order to question, stabilizing fearlessness.  I seal the output of intelligence with the lunar tone of challenge.  I am guided by the power of elegance.

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