Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Yoga Sutra - SAMYOGA

Principle 13 - Samyoga
False Identification of the Seer with the Seen
All that is visible clings to the invisible, the audible to the inaudible, the tangible to the intangible, perhaps the thinkable to the unthinkable.
- from NOVALIS - translated be Lama Govinda

An unbiased yet well-informed perspective is the best way to understand any situation
I can recognize when I am too involved in a situation to perceive it clearly and fairly
I will strive to step back and discriminate between impermanent, changing events and the eternal inner light of awareness

Think of a situation in which you were too involved to be able to perceive it clearly.  How would it have helped if you could have stepped back and gained a more objective view?

Meditate on your inner light of awareness in order to experience it as a separate, ever-present entity.

Mix some sugar in tome water and water and watch the sugar dissolve. Taste the invisible sweetness and think of that sweet invisible inner light of awareness that resides in your body.

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