Thursday, February 19, 2015

Benefits of Balasana - Child's Pose

Balasana - Child's Pose

This pose gently stretches the hips, thighs, ankles and lower back.  Calming the brain and breath this posture helps to relieve stress and fatigue. Bringing conscious breath to the back of the torso it also provides an excellent opportunity to lengthen and widen the spine.  

Begin on all fours in table pose (bharmanasana) keeping hands directly under shoulders and knees directly under hips.  Touch your big toes together and separate your knees.  With an exhale lay your torso between your thighs and sit onto your heels. With the breath broaden your sacrum and lengthen the tailbone across the back of your pelvis while narrowing your hip points toward the navel. 
On an inhale lengthen the torso and lift from the tailbone replacing the hands under the shoulders returning to table.

Modifications: If there is difficulty sitting onto the heels protect the ankles by staying on the toes. 
Variations: Put the arms by your side with palms up to release the shoulders.
Keep the knees together.

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