This week's astrology occurrences seem to reflect the lessons of 2015 and the change of pace the new year will bring. The advice I am giving to myself and all friends this week is continue working on incorporating mindfulness into each day while acting with dutiful purpose. It will be a good week to write goals for the year, contemplate your dharma, and rewrite mission statements/affirmations. What is of value to you? What lights you up? What are your gifts? How do these benefit others? Where do you want to go? What do you want to accomplish?
Planetary PositionsSun: Capricorn
Moon: Leo > Virgo > Libra > Scorpio
Mercury: Capricorn > Aquarius
Venus: Scorpio > Sagittarius
Mars: Libra > Scorpio
Saturn: Sagittarius
Jupiter: Virgo
Uranus: Aries
Pluto: Capricorn
Chiron: Pisces
Monday - December 28th, 2015
1:19AM Moon trine Saturn
12:15PM Moon trine Uranus
Saturn and Uranus sweetly dance with Luna on center stage today. The light of the Mother is in the house of Leo. This fixed fire sign can bring a sense of determination, passionate need for self expression, and expansive generosity all given from the heart center. Saturn's trine in the wee hours of the morning offers stability for what the day has to offer. Uranus brings in the eagerness and intuition. His energy is also a catalyst for Leo's creative undertakings. Take a chance, explore a new territory/activity, put yourself out there, shine brightly from your heart, and awaken your higher mind to respond with a higher state of awareness.
Tuesday - December 29th, 2015
8:18AM Sun sextile Neptune
8:34AM Moon Sextile Mars
9:53AM Mercury square Mars
12:39PM Moon square Venus
2:00PM Moon goes into Virgo
First, the Capricorn Sun's practicality flows with the spiritual pursuits of Neptune in Pisces creating new connections and possibilities for the day. Shortly after Mars in Libra jump starts the restoration of what needs order or advance. This morning may prove beneficial for such tasks that smooth out wrinkles in projects or goals. Periodically returning to your intuitive self through the awareness of consciousness will prove to be VERY beneficial this morning due to the Mercury, also in Capricorn, square to Mars. Best use of this conflicting aspect is to be forthright and honest with what needs to be communicated. A square can bring creative tension, if directed properly, will provide opportunity for rich rewards. If not, especially in relation to the planetary positions for today, can cause an accident in travel, irritability and impulsiveness. Moon squaring Venus this afternoon can unsettle associations personally or in business so be prepared to reschedule plans. Lastly, Luna moves into the mutable house of Virgo. This Earth sign's purpose is to prepare for our social role as she is the bridge of service between Leo's ego and Libra's dutiful aspirations. Continuing the focus toward responsibility, a productive routine, and all of the little details of fulfilling obligations.
Wednesday - December 30th, 2015
2:17AM Venus goes into Sagittarius
4:41AM Moon opposing Neptune
6:30AM Moon trine Sun
11:35AM Moon square Saturn
7:33PM Moon trine Pluto
Quote for the day: "Listen my young friend. Before you can go on to the sixth step in your growth, you must grasp the essence of the fifth step. In order to expand your material worth, social positions, or consciousness; you must first learn the structure of the Laws of the Universe, the patterns of the culture in which you live and your inner landscape."
As we lie asleep Venus moves out of Scorpio and into Sagittarius. The Goddess of Love and beauty transitions from water to fire, Soul to Spirit, yin to yang. She will remain in the house of the archer until January 23rd. Allow a few days time for her spirits to lift as you begin to direct the aim of the metaphorical arrow for this new year. Be cautious while the fog rolls in as Moon opposes Neptune. This will sensitize all experience and may stimulate lucid dreaming. Luna and the Sun lift the fog with empowering receptivity and a creative drive indicating accomplishment wherever you make an effort. This afternoon Saturn the teacher provides us a great opportunity to learn. Our feelings may once again provide creative challenges toward the consolidation of lessons from the Tempter. Saturn is already in Sagittarius suggesting he is showing Venus what must be overcome to cohesively direct her personal magnetism this upcoming year. This is nothing new but rather what we've been learning since as early as the end of last year when Saturn traveled into Sagittarius. It would be a great day to critically reflect upon goals set in Dec2014, reincorporate what was not accomplished, celebrate what was, and let go what is no longer needed. The evening can end with a sense of transformation and confidence.
Thursday - December 31st, 2015 NEW YEARS EVE
12:24AM Moon opposing Chiron
11:51AM Moon conjunct Jupiter
When Luna is in opposition with the Wounded Healer people may pour out their feelings, dramatize their emotional needs, or feel satisfaction is out of their reach. These will signify a deep need for discernment between illusion and Truth. Luna then conjoins Jupiter in Virgo signifying an abundance of generosity and giving of services. What is negative can be turned positive, problems can be seen as solutions, contention can be resolved. Seek harmony and expansion today. Promote peace and prosperity to all.
Friday - January 1st, 2015 NEW YEARS DAY
12:35AM Moon trine Mercury
1:42AM Moon goes into Libra
7:07AM Moon sextile Venus
9:20PM Mercury goes into Aquarius
Happy New Year! The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto are all favorably aligned to give open doors and multiply opportunities. The initial birth chart for the year has a Sun in Capricorn and a Moon in Virgo. Both Earth signs generate a will to stabilize foundations using a logical and pragmatic approach to life.
Prior to going into Libra, Luna trines Mercury suggesting the ability to understand, express genuinely and what arises will be accompanied with clarity. Shortly after the Moon begins her transit in Libra until Jan 3rd. She ushers in refinement, the necessity to work with others and understand both sides of any circumstance. The morning brings in an easiness as Luna sextiles the Goddess of Love. As the day progresses efforts are rewarded, trust brings in openness and connections make headway. As the day comes to a close Hermes, the messenger of the Gods, goes into Aquarius. This is what I find to be most influential on this special holiday. We are in the age of Aquarius as most will understand and Hermes is said to be the only traveler of the cosmos to be able to travel into the deep realms of the underworld bringing insight from above and also can bring what lurks in the shadows up into the light. This transition signifies the shifting of the mind from earth to air, body to mind, traditional to unconventional, the system to the community. A challenge to open our minds and connect to our greatest vision. Mercury is slowing down however preparing to go retrograde on Jan 5th. Where he will travel back into Capricorn connecting with the Sun and Pluto encouraging us to take that vision assess if its realistic, practically apply it, and transform whatever is necessary to manifest it. Today is the day to create a vision board and be sure to include how your vision will fit into the big picture of your community. We have the choice to break free and do something different but we must bring our dream down to Earth and create the structure for it to blossom.
Saturday - January 2nd, 2015
12:32AM Moon square Sun THIRD QUARTER MOON
12:37AM Moon sextile Saturn
8:24AM Moon square Pluto
11:25AM Moon opposing Uranus
Luna is put upon the scales during the last quarter of the Moon cycle. A good time to reflect on your new Moon intentions and find where balance is needed. With the sextile to Saturn shortly after simplicity and perseverance may be the key. The morning's square suggests subversive intentions. Be aware of what feels like manipulation, confrontation & domination. These opportunities can also illuminate what needs to be creatively transformed in relationships to sort out dynamics and maintain balance. Midday the opposition suggests unpredictability with how the day unfolds. Remaining present and patient will be the internal work of today. Find creative outlets for the excess of emotional energy rather than putting on a front of peace and harmony. Be attentive to uncover what is hidden and willing to take action that makes the appropriate changes.
Sunday - January 3rd, 2015
9:33AM Mars goes into Scorpio
2:37PM Moon goes into in Scorpio
2:52PM Exact lunar conjunction with Mars
4:13PM Moon square Mercury
The week ends with a shift of the Warrior from air to water, intellect to emotion, passivity to action. Before Pluto was discovered Mars was ruler of Scorpio. This is a much better placement for Mars helping to express his passionate intensity to peel away the layers revealing the depths and Truth of each situation. A great time to utilize the abundance of energy by exercising your inner strengths and taking action to manifest something specific. Steer clear of power dynamics by staying centered in your power and allowing others to stand in their own as well. Be aware of what is coming up for you the week after this transit begins as it is could give insight in what is to come when Mars goes Retrograde this upcoming April. Luna joins Mars in Scorpio in the afternoon with an exact conjunction shortly after. Giving more momentum to our desires, sensitizing our emotions and bringing in serious thinking. Allow and embrace what surfaces with compassion and a willingness to understand the deep paradigm of it. The square to Mercury suggests to think before speaking and keep things simple today to create the space necessary to understand.
-Yellow Lunar Warrior
I polarize in order to question, stabilizing fearlessness.
I seal the output of intelligence with the lunar tone of challenge.
I am guided by the power of elegance.