Sunday, December 27, 2015

New Year Astrology - 2016

This week's astrology occurrences seem to reflect the lessons of 2015 and the change of pace the new year will bring.  The advice I am giving to myself and all friends this week is continue working on incorporating mindfulness into each day while acting with dutiful purpose.  It will be a good week to write goals for the year, contemplate your dharma, and rewrite mission statements/affirmations.  What is of value to you?  What lights you up? What are your gifts? How do these benefit others?  Where do you want to go?  What do you want to accomplish?  
Planetary Positions
Sun: Capricorn
Moon: Leo > Virgo > Libra > Scorpio
Mercury: Capricorn > Aquarius
Venus: Scorpio > Sagittarius
Mars: Libra > Scorpio
Saturn: Sagittarius
Jupiter: Virgo
Uranus: Aries
Pluto: Capricorn
Chiron: Pisces

Monday - December 28th, 2015
1:19AM Moon trine Saturn
12:15PM Moon trine Uranus
Saturn and Uranus sweetly dance with Luna on center stage today. The light of the Mother is in the house of Leo. This fixed fire sign can bring a sense of determination, passionate need for self expression, and expansive generosity all given from the heart center.  Saturn's trine in the wee hours of the morning offers stability for what the day has to offer.  Uranus brings in the eagerness and intuition. His energy is also a catalyst for Leo's creative undertakings. Take a chance, explore a new territory/activity, put yourself out there, shine brightly from your heart, and awaken your higher mind to respond with a higher state of awareness.

Tuesday - December 29th, 2015
8:18AM Sun sextile Neptune
8:34AM Moon Sextile Mars
9:53AM Mercury square Mars
12:39PM Moon square Venus
2:00PM Moon goes into Virgo
First, the Capricorn Sun's practicality flows with the spiritual pursuits of Neptune in Pisces creating new connections and possibilities for the day.  Shortly after Mars in Libra jump starts the restoration of what needs order or advance.  This morning may prove beneficial for such tasks that smooth out wrinkles in projects or goals.  Periodically returning to your intuitive self through the awareness of consciousness will prove to be VERY beneficial this morning due to the Mercury, also in Capricorn, square to Mars.  Best use of this conflicting aspect is to be forthright and honest with what needs to be communicated.  A square can bring creative tension, if directed properly, will provide opportunity for rich rewards.  If not, especially in relation to the planetary positions for today, can cause an accident in travel, irritability and impulsiveness.  Moon squaring Venus this afternoon can unsettle associations personally or in business so be prepared to reschedule plans.  Lastly, Luna moves into the mutable house of Virgo.  This Earth sign's purpose is to prepare for our social role as she is the bridge of service between Leo's ego and Libra's dutiful aspirations.  Continuing the focus toward responsibility, a productive routine, and all of the little details of fulfilling obligations.

Wednesday - December 30th, 2015
2:17AM Venus goes into Sagittarius
4:41AM Moon opposing Neptune
6:30AM Moon trine Sun
11:35AM Moon square Saturn
7:33PM Moon trine Pluto
Quote for the day: "Listen my young friend. Before you can go on to the sixth step in your growth, you must grasp the essence of the fifth step. In order to expand your material worth, social positions, or consciousness; you must first learn the structure of the Laws of the Universe, the patterns of the culture in which you live and your inner landscape."
As we lie asleep Venus moves out of Scorpio and into Sagittarius. The Goddess of Love and beauty transitions from water to fire, Soul to Spirit, yin to yang. She will remain in the house of the archer until January 23rd. Allow a few days time for her spirits to lift as you begin to direct the aim of the metaphorical arrow for this new year. Be cautious while the fog rolls in as Moon opposes Neptune. This will sensitize all experience and may stimulate lucid dreaming. Luna and the Sun lift the fog with empowering receptivity and a creative drive indicating accomplishment wherever you make an effort. This afternoon Saturn the teacher provides us a great opportunity to learn.  Our feelings may once again provide creative challenges toward the consolidation of lessons from the Tempter.  Saturn is already in Sagittarius suggesting he is showing Venus what must be overcome to cohesively direct her personal magnetism this upcoming year. This is nothing new but rather what we've been learning since as early as the end of last year when Saturn traveled into Sagittarius.  It would be a great day to critically reflect upon goals set in Dec2014, reincorporate what was not accomplished, celebrate what was, and let go what is no longer needed. The evening can end with a sense of transformation and confidence.

Thursday - December 31st, 2015 NEW YEARS EVE
12:24AM Moon opposing Chiron
11:51AM Moon conjunct Jupiter
When Luna is in opposition with the Wounded Healer people may pour out their feelings, dramatize their emotional needs, or feel satisfaction is out of their reach.  These will signify a deep need for discernment between illusion and Truth.  Luna then conjoins Jupiter in Virgo signifying an abundance of generosity and giving of services. What is negative can be turned positive, problems can be seen as solutions, contention can be resolved. Seek harmony and expansion today. Promote peace and prosperity to all.

Friday - January 1st, 2015 NEW YEARS DAY
12:35AM Moon trine Mercury
1:42AM Moon goes into Libra
7:07AM Moon sextile Venus
9:20PM Mercury goes into Aquarius
Happy New Year! The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto are all favorably aligned to give open doors and multiply opportunities. The initial birth chart for the year has a Sun in Capricorn and a Moon in Virgo. Both Earth signs generate a will to stabilize foundations using a logical and pragmatic approach to life.
Prior to going into Libra, Luna trines Mercury suggesting the ability to understand, express genuinely and what arises will be accompanied with clarity.  Shortly after the Moon begins her transit in Libra until Jan 3rd. She ushers in refinement, the necessity to work with others and understand both sides of any circumstance.  The morning brings in an easiness as Luna sextiles the Goddess of Love. As the day progresses efforts are rewarded, trust brings in openness and connections make headway.  As the day comes to a close Hermes, the messenger of the Gods, goes into Aquarius. This is what I find to be most influential on this special holiday. We are in the age of Aquarius as most will understand and Hermes is said to be the only traveler of the cosmos to be able to travel into the deep realms of the underworld bringing insight from above and also  can bring what lurks in the shadows up into the light.  This transition signifies the shifting of the mind from earth to air, body to mind, traditional to unconventional, the system to the community.  A challenge to open our minds and connect to our greatest vision.  Mercury is slowing down however preparing to go retrograde on Jan 5th. Where he will travel back into Capricorn connecting with the Sun and Pluto encouraging us to take that vision assess if its realistic, practically apply it, and transform whatever is necessary to manifest it.  Today is the day to create a vision board and be sure to include how your vision will fit into the big picture of your community. We have the choice to break free and do something different but we must bring our dream down to Earth and create the structure for it to blossom.

Saturday - January 2nd, 2015
12:32AM Moon square Sun THIRD QUARTER MOON
12:37AM Moon sextile Saturn
8:24AM Moon square Pluto
11:25AM Moon opposing Uranus
Luna is put upon the scales during the last quarter of the Moon cycle.  A good time to reflect on your new Moon intentions and find where balance is needed. With the sextile to Saturn shortly after simplicity and perseverance may be the key.  The morning's square suggests subversive intentions. Be aware of what feels like manipulation, confrontation & domination.  These opportunities can also illuminate what needs to be creatively transformed in relationships to sort out dynamics and maintain balance.  Midday the opposition suggests unpredictability with how the day unfolds.  Remaining present and patient will be the internal work of today.  Find creative outlets for the excess of emotional energy rather than putting on a front of peace and harmony.  Be attentive to uncover what is hidden and willing to take action that makes the appropriate changes.

Sunday - January 3rd, 2015
9:33AM Mars goes into Scorpio
2:37PM Moon goes into in Scorpio
2:52PM Exact lunar conjunction with Mars
4:13PM Moon square Mercury
The week ends with a shift of the Warrior from air to water, intellect to emotion, passivity to action. Before Pluto was discovered Mars was ruler of Scorpio.  This is a much better placement for Mars helping to express his passionate intensity to peel away the layers revealing the depths and Truth of each situation.  A great time to utilize the abundance of energy by exercising your inner strengths and taking action to manifest something specific. Steer clear of power dynamics by staying centered in your power and allowing others to stand in their own as well. Be aware of what is coming up for you the week after this transit begins as it is could give insight in what is to come when Mars goes Retrograde this upcoming April.  Luna joins Mars in Scorpio in the afternoon with an exact conjunction shortly after. Giving more momentum to our desires, sensitizing our emotions and bringing in serious thinking.  Allow and embrace what surfaces with compassion and a willingness to understand the deep paradigm of it.  The square to Mercury suggests to think before speaking and keep things simple today to create the space necessary to understand.

-Yellow Lunar Warrior
I polarize in order to question, stabilizing fearlessness.
I seal the output of intelligence with the lunar tone of challenge.
I am guided by the power of elegance.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

An Adventure into The Yoga Forest

Much of my young life was spent feeling inadequate; maturing later than all girls of my age, blaming myself for my father running out on our family, even my religious savior titled me a 'sinner'.  This list could go on and on.  Most societies, especially media driven America, constantly scrutinize all details of who we are encouraging the masses to feel inadequate.  This belittlement paired with fear-based beliefs create a feeling of inferiority that has driven the patriarchy for centuries.  An internal pair of shackles weighing down our subconscious.  Tying us to the belief that our life does not matter and who we are, exactly as we are, is not enough.  I am taking a stand and proud to declare I AM ENOUGH!  As an awakening part of this ever-changing magnificent fruitful world, I take responsibility for my life with a dominant intention to act from an internal place of contentedness.  I actively release a toxic ego built upon a world of mirrors, in essence, actively striving to heal my body mind breath and connection with Spirit. It is from this center that I chose to study abroad this November and December.
The Yoga Forest is my destination and said to be a place of healing and transformation. Here, I believe I can heal my connection with spirit, with others and with nature.  I will immerse myself in the study of yoga and permaculture. Yoga is a vary diverse practice of ancient tradition teaching inner inquiry and unity of self.  Modernly it's simplified into eight limbs. These limbs focus upon creating the space to embrace the fullness of connecting to life. Permaculture is also a very diverse and growing study of observing and working with nature to build a restorative and yielding system.  There are 12 permaculture principles centered upon 3 concepts: care for the Earth, care for the people and fair share.  These principles allow the designer to essentially create the space for the ecosystem to demonstrate its own evolution. "As we step into deep ecology and recognize ourselves as a necessary part of the ecosystem and the world that we breath, we begin to recognize the impacts we make."(...) When the 5 weeks are over I will earn a 200hr Yoga Teacher Certification and a 75hr Permaculture Design Certificate! 

I feel like the caterpillar that has a gut feeling about the soon to come transformation of self and purpose.  I want to pollinate the ideas of others.  Help them find their genius and flourish an idea that serves themselves and their community.  We're all capable of finding 'center', the place of complete acceptance and honesty of self.  It is my dominant intention while on this trip to find my center, heal myself through connection with this center and learn how to share the knowledge of yoga & permaculture with others.

Friday, April 17, 2015

April 18th, 2015

Saturday April 18th
Aries is ruled by Mars and with Mars in Taurus we are reminded to move slowly making deliberate steps. Mars is also flowing harmoniously with Pluto at the new moon, your personal will (mars) and your divine will (pluto) allowing the source of our power to come from within.  Time to take charge of life.
"New moon in Aries is bringing us fresh winds of inspiration and courage to persevere. A wonderful moon to reflect on recent happenings so we can clearly see and bless our past, moving forward in continuing to build the road beneath us."
New Moon in Aries 2:58PM Moon conjunct Sun in Aries
Moon moves into Taurus

Plan of the day:
7:00AM Wake up - smile, stretch
Morning Routine - feed jynx, water plants, drink glass of water, personal care: eliminate, take shower, meditate
Make Bison Stew in crockpot - OG chicken broth, OG local bison stew meat, OG kidney beans, OG russet potatoes, OG corn, OG tomato, OG red pepper, local garlic and spices.
LIFE Leadership CD/Radio
Check email
Wash bedding
Call mother - pick up book: 'How To Win Friends ans Influence People'
9:30AM Open studio
Practice in Mary Beth's Hot Yin
Eat lunch - bison stew
1:15PM Open studio
2:00PM Closing shift at GreenTree
11:00PM Evening Routine

Thursday, April 16, 2015

April 17th, 2015

Friday April 17th
WOWZA! Things are moving so quickly and with such intensity to align our personality with true purpose.

11:20 "I knew that the time would come when what I needed would show up for me and when that showed up I was ready. My definition of luck is preparation meeting the moment of opportunity. I did it because I was prepared and knew I could do it."

Today's weather forecast is pure sunshine and a high of 75 degrees with a low of 45 at night for Mount Pleasant, Michigan.

3:40 AM Moon in Aries sextile Venus in Gemini
A sudden surge of emotion leads to impulsive reactions within the social avenues of life.
1:31 PM Moon in Aries trine Jupiter in Leo
Adventure and outdoor activities uplift our emotions toward a more positive feeling about life.
6:05 PM Moon in Aries square Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn
The first aspect with Pluto after going retrograde yesterday. The beginning of deep, regenerative transformation.  A time to re-channel one's negative emotional energy or need to control the environment and turn it into a desire to purify one's evolving soul. Intense build of emotional energy.
8:29 PM Mars in Taurus square Jupiter in Leo
Restless personal drive stimulates and challenges expansion to happen. Be mindful to avoid biting off more than you can chew or allow it to illuminate where you're avoiding action or being passive.  Keep your pace persistent.

Plan of the day:
7:30AM Wake up - Smile and Stretch
Morning Routine
8:30AM Open MPHY studio
9:00AM Practice in Denise's Hot Yoga
10:30AM Check studio condition & make action - record in planner
Spend some quality time with Devin
5:00PM Open MPHY studio and work the desk for Tom's 75min Hot Yoga
To Do List:
House Cleaning - since it didn't get done yesterday... vacuum and mop floors, deep clean pantry, take out trash
Read 30+min
Research Ashkanga yoga and permaculture design
11:30PM Evening Routine
12:00AM Meditate into slumber

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

April 16th, 2015

Thursday April 16th 
The moon has been in Pisces, plunging the illumination of our emotions into the depths of the mutable water sign.  Pour a water onto a table and see how mutable water flows into every corner.  A time of bonding ourselves emotionally to whatever is exposed. The intense current of Pisces can lead to opportunities of healing, correction and union within spiritual, emotional and esoteric avenues of consciousness.  Find value within connecting to something larger than life.
Moon in Pisces conjunct Chiron in Aries (12:09AM)  "When Chiron was forced to flee from his home atop Mount Pelion he took up new residence in Laconia.  Here he was accidentally wounded by one of Hercule's poisoned arrows when pursuing some malevolent Centaurs with his toxic darts. The venom of his arrow caused Chiron unbearable pain; to relieve himself of it the good Centaur renounced his immortality and passed out of Earth life."
Moon in Pisces trine Saturn Sagittarius (1:31PM) As we emerge from the depths of the we are sweetly kissed by the wise teacher which inspires harmonious, creative, and expansive action towards careful incorporation of the understanding gained through life experiences. Find our truth and take action upon our path.  What do we stand for and what will we carry forward.
Moon enters Aries (5:01PM) "I seek my self" Aries represents a drop of water which has been removed from the vast ocean or an individual ray of sunshine from the body of the Sun.  It is the individual ego rushing forth from the universal mind into the conscious light of life, ceaseless activity.  As the moon wanes and prepares for the New Moon on Saturday,
Pluto goes retrograde (9:19PM)
A new phase dawns for all of us; pursuits of social power ans status have a way of seeming inevitable. It's time to strongly and firmly believe in the truth, to become a mature example of the truth, a model of the truth and progress along in a steadfast way.

Plan for the day:
8:00AM Wake up - Smile & stretch
Morning Routine - feed Jinx, water plants, personal care (wash face, hands, brush teeth, scrape tongue) drink glass of water, drink glass of tea
8:30AM Meditate
To Do:
Read 30+min
Life Leadership CD/Radio
Practice yoga - create my own sequence and practice outside
Research ashkanga yoga & permaculture design
House upkeep - Vacuum & mop floors, clean countertops, deep clean pantry & fridge, take out trash.
Make shopping list
Prepare meal for work
3:00PM Closing shift at GreenTree
10:30PM Evening Routine - unpack belongings from work, return messages, planner, personal care (wash face, hands, brush teeth, scrape tongue) meditate, set out dream journal.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

April 15th, 2015- A Time To Revitalize Yourself

Wednesday April 15th

Plan of the day:
6:15AM Wake up - Dream Journal
Morning Routine - feed Jinx, water plants, personal care - wash face, hands, brush teeth, scrape tongue, drink glass of water, drink a glass of hot tea
6:30AM Meditate
7:00AM Natalie comes over to go for a run
8:30AM Open Mt Pleasant Hot Yoga Studio
9:00AM Practice in Denise's Hot Yoga with Natalie
10:30AM Close studio
Make breakfast
To do list of the afternoon:
Transfer seedlings into soil
Laundry - 1 load
Read for 30 minutes
LIFE Leadership CD/Radio
Prepare meal for work
Excel spreadsheet: Yoga Forest Training costs
Make plans with Becky and Dad
3:45PM Produce closing shift at GreenTree
10:00PM Spend quality time with Devin

Venus in Gemini opposes Saturn in Sagittarius (12:26AM) first large aspect after the goddess of manifestation moved into Gemini on Saturday 4/11/15.  Personal magnetism polarized with consolidation of the wise man of self.  An opportunity to develop patience and compassion wherever we invest oneself materially and emotionally.  Saturn gets frustrated by the natural tendencies of Venus toward manifestations, beauty, happiness causing continual deprivations and heavy responsibilities.
Moon conjunct Neptune (6:53AM) Variable - expression, action.  A highly impressionable time. Dream journal after you wake a powerful, prophetic, lucid dreams are likely. Meditation is recommended to lift you to the higher planes of consciousness. Do not resist becoming vulnerable to the emotional tenor your surroundings.
Moon sextile Mars (10:10AM) feelings work well with action. Opportunity to use and abundant amount of energy. A good time to tackle home and domestic projects.
Moon sextile Pluto (5:37PM) feelings work well with transformation. A time to use your will constructively to guide your imagination to bring the regeneration of both practical affairs and your emotional health. Renewal of vitality improving all of self.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Boom Chicka Bom Bah

4/12/15 2:45AM
Breathe in pause breath out pause. Breathe in, pause, she utters her name Jalene.  The only thing to belong to her and only her, listening to herself say her own name.  Vivid images of Mr. Pip, Hughe Laurie and Devin fill in the crevices of her deep and disturbing mind.  The momentum carried her mind away.  The deeper she dives into the current of the attachment within her mind the more her breath shallows.  She feels her shoulders round and her heart close.  Readjusting her posture she lets go of her thought and deepens her breath. Breathe in pause breathe out.
A flash of the night.  Dancing on the dance floor, the weight of her top made of velvet moving on her skin when she was dancing. Rogan, a beautiful smiley woman coming up saying "Oooh you're asking to be touched with this shirt on." Rogan recognized her from one encounter at GreenTree and was disappointed when she said she regretfully did not remember it.  Truth then, now Jalene recollects the incident; it was quite some time ago, she complimented Rogans necklace, who beamed and mentioned she got it from her boyfriend; who happened to be shopping with and tonight dancing with her... ahhhhhh dancing, boom chicka bom bah kat boom chicka bom bah kat kat..
Breathe in Breathe out
Breathe in pause Breathe out pause
Music playback "Senseless pain inflicted on one another" - Eyedeas and Abilities
Second flash of the night.  Joe and Valerie in the car picking on one another, in the booth offering food, on the dance floor tempting each other.  Joe's detail sharing in the kitchen at work.  Pushing away the urge to say she was happy for him in the kitchen because he seemed smug or rather quite excited to talk with her about Valerie.  That was most of what he talks about recently.
Breathe in Breathe out
Flash. Seeing Tony smile, not smoking a cigarette, drinking only water.
Breathe in Breathe out
Breathe in I am Breathe out I let go
Breathe in I am thankful for clean air, water and bed sheets.
Flash. Tate's silliness. Bed sheets left in the drier and twin beds pushed together.
Breathe in Breathe out
Breathe in I can Breathe out I will
Breathe in I can better myself and love others Breathe out I will better myself and love others

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A Deeper Glance: March 5th - March 12th

A deeper glance into the of week March 5th  - March 12th

Pluto the dwarf planet of the transformation, decay, renewal, rebirth; the transition between endings and beginnings has been called from the outside of the cosmos to reach to the deeper parts of ourselves; our desires, our fears, our securities, our constructive destructiveness, our purpose.  Midway through the week we have a breath of fresh air and Jupiter stations direct in Leo allowing our focus of expansion to return to our dreams and our best self.  As Mercury ping-pongs between planets all week we are enlightened with the reality of the atmosphere using communication of all kinds. On Saturday Venus finishes her comfortable stay in the sign she rules and enters into the current of Gemini's desire for thinking, communication and travel.  Finishing the week with Mars and Neptune providing an opportunity of healing and breaking down the walls of our self.

Sunday March 5th
Sunday morning the Sun in Aries signals Pluto in Capricorn bringing about creative tension with rich feeling rewards through commitment.  For most of Sunday morning this provided opportunities of spiritual tension, growth and transformation. Followed by an afternoon of uplifting momentum towards revival and appreciation after the Moon enters Scorpio (Pluto also rules the house of Scorpio)
11:04 AM Sun in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn - Our enthusiastic will challenges the intensity of complex regeneration.  Our primal intentions lead the day as our controlled intention transforms things to seem empowered and deeply changed. Insight of of our underlying dynamic selves comes from speaking to our subconscious. Stay the course and keep moving is the theme of this energy. Evolution!
3:05 PM Moon leaves Libra and enters into Scorpio. - Transitioning us from the balancing energy of Libra into the veils of our desires. The afternoon begins bringing us deeper into our transforming selves. Powerful meanings stir up emotions for most people. Giving time to yourself and those we love will uplift your spirits. Tune in and revive your innermost thoughts of appreciation.

Monday April 6th
The week begins with a sensitized environment Monday morning when the Moon trines Neptune; creating illumination after expression is catalyst to direct connection with the mind of higher education.  In the afternoon our will unites with our intuition providing an opportunity to purposefully act now!  The consequences of your quick decisiveness remains within your feelings and weighs heavy upon the opinion of yourself. The evening provides an opportunity to transform qualities of our desires or occult studies.
8:06 AM Moon in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces
Deepened feelings flow as illumination brings a a strong connection with deep expression.  Fogging up the morning with hypersensitivity to the environmental factors. The lofty ideas that entertain our mind motivate any decisions that need to be made.
9:27AM Mercury in Aries trines Jupiter in Leo 
Direct communication flows providing self-indulgent thinking wasting opportunity.  The mind of higher education (Jupiter) broader, tolerate, and quick to comprehend.  If the opportunity is utilized this can be a time of confidence to project our ideas and gain insight.
11:04AM Sun in Aries conjunct Uranus in Aries
A time to delve into higher-frequency originality by applying will.  Understanding comes from new untried ways.  Action seems sudden, powerful & purposeful.
3:44PM Moon in Scorpio squares Jupiter in Leo 
The moon symbolizes instinctive awareness and Jupiter is the planet of expansion. Our veiled feelings, deeply motivated, challenge the expansion of our inner confidence and best selves. This is an aspect of emotional excess, wanderlust, over-inflation of the need for comfort and an unsteadiness of purpose.
9:23PM Moon in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn
Signifying a revealed path toward purification of emotions and feelings.  A good time to use your will to awaken higher emotional aspirations.  Pluto constructively guides our imagination to bring regeneration of practical affairs and our emotional lives.

Tuesday April 7th
In the morning the moon sweetly calls Chiron in Pisces to give answers regarding last night's inward exploration and emotional excavation. Emotions are the current pushing boundaries throughout the evening. The energy of the day peaking in the evening with Mercury's square to Pluto triggering transformation now within communication and travel.  Slow and steady action is needed to keep a level-head and remain high frequency.
4:16AM Moon in Scorpio trines Chiron in Pisces
Our deep emotions flow well with the wounded healer.
4:42PM Moon in Scorpio opposes Venus in Taurus
The deep feelings of the day stimulate to push comfortable goddess out of her comfort zone. Social inappropriateness or ignorance of feelings is likely to come forward.  A focus on the universal aspirations and self-indulgent tendencies.
8:05PM Mercury Aries in squaring Pluto in Capricorn
Keen mental penetration into the reality of the situation at hand brings a creative resolution.  Deliberate, calculated, and blunt speech/thought is likely.  Remain silent to avoid controversy as a strong desire to shape the ideas of others may motivate us to quickly speak without remaining objective.

Wednesday April 8th
As we sleep the high tides of our emotions recede to bring in an idealistic nature and aspirations of high goals. Our morning is bursting with communication, intuition and originality!  Momentum of the day increases quickly as our feelings unite with consolidation.  All day our inventive thinking enlightens us to how remain objective when expressing our strong opinions so ideas do not run amok. Events of the day muddle into the evening and we are challenged us to disengage from sensitized experiences when the Moon squares Neptune. Quieting the intense atmosphere of the day Jupiter brings attention upon growth and turns our attention toward fulfilling our truest self.
1:09AM Moon goes into Sagittarius
A strong recognition of the need for spiritual and moral values in everyday life.  After Scorpio disturbs our ever-evolving personality, restless energy brings about keen exploration to find what is needed to settle those tides of our inner self.  Reformation is the quickest way of adjustment during these times.
8:20 AM Mercury conjunct Uranus in Aries!
A strong blend of communication and revolution providing a lightning quick mind that gains insight through intuitive flashes. Tune in to the Universal Mind and receive guidance.  Strongly opinions and inventive thinking will bring in correct conclusions and unconventional opportunity.
9:00 AM Moon conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius
Identifying emotionally with memories and material things.  Increased momentum bestows endurance, practicality and common sense.  Self restraint will properly channel this this union.  Remain objective and be constructive with investment of any kind.
5:38 PM Moon in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces
Immersion in fantasy results in a lessened grip of reality.  Indulgence inspires mediumistic tendencies.  Effort to remain in touch with reality and disconnect to the mystic is beneficial this evening.
12:22PM Jupiter Stations Direct in Leo!
While retrograde Jupiter called us to remain conservative and take a second look at our investments.  As Jupiter begins to pick up speed in momentum we can make the changes necessary to embrace a greater vision of our best selves.  Urge for honest self-expression grows.  Dreams, drama, emphasis upon expressing affection and generosity bring expansion.

Thursday April 9th
The moon sweetly signals Jupiter and Uranus bringing in a day that is a fiery breath of fresh air.  Communication and feelings flood the afternoon.  As the moon ends it's transit through Sagittarius is sweetly calls to the planet of communication, Mercury, and the ego, the Sun both in Fiery Aries. Promotion of inner harmony.
12:49AM Moon trines Jupiter 
Inclination for generosity of spirit and kind disposition.
8:18AM Moon trine Uranus
Original and spontaneous imagination within business and inventive ventures.
12:41PM Moon trine Mercury
Indicating good working cooperation between the subconscious and decisive mind
1:05PM Moon square Chiron
1:42PM Moon trine Sun
Harmonious interaction between expression and automatic will. A balance of masculine and feminine energy.  Self-confidence, optimism, and equality is in the air.

Friday April 10th
As the day progresses a combustion of processes floods the afternoon and carries through making time fly!  Slowly we wind down from the busy day, settling into our home and the earthy parts of ourselves.
12:01AM Mercury conjunct Sun in Aries -  Narrowing our communication to reflect upon self as the mind is submerged and ignited by the ego.  A time to utilize ideas and friendships to self-analyze.  Mental energy is in excess and gives stamina.
8:47AM Moon goes into Capricorn - The day begins slow and progresses with austere reservations cautioning our spirituality and expression. Ambition and seriousness toward our work field, status and financial security are driving forces of the tides of our personality and motivating our objectivity.  This energy fills the tides of our souls settling what has been unsettled and changed.
10:36AM Moon in Capricorn trines Mars in Taurus - Emotional activity builds constructive experience as our feelings flow easily with our earthy personal drive.  Initiative, steadiness and perseverance flow as opportunity is easily recognized.

Saturday April11th

11:25AM Venus exits Taurus and goes into Gemini
Promoting intellectual interest in artistic, materialistic, and cultural pursuits.  A shift of desire to communicate harmoniously. There will be much coming and going so it is best to keep to an analytical and lighthearted attitude.
12:38AM Moon sextile Neptune Mystic inclinations and psychic potentialities
2:41PM Moon square Uranus 
Frequent changes throughout the day disrupts things.  New activity may promise adventure but may not pay out.
7:13PM Moon sextile Chiron 
11:45PM Moon square Sun
A conflict between the conscious will and inherited unconscious habit patterns. A block of creative self expression.

Sunday April 12th
1:23PM Mars sextile Neptune A superphysical energy that can be used for healing on occult work. Clairvoyancey and strong personal magnetism. A bypassing of obstacles easily because of strategy.
1:44PM Moon goes into Aquarius
After settling ourselves we are more inclined to reach out for friendship and group activities. Our hopes, objectives, and motivations fluctuate with our moods and our environment.  Our need for companionship allows the opinion of others to influence you.
4:08PM Moon trine Venus
Gentleness of expression and affection. Things are presented with good taste and exceptional talent. Melodious energy!
8:59PM Moon sextile Saturn
Patience and practicality encouraging organization and integrity. Level-headed thinking.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Human Nutrition - An Evolutionary Perspective Summary

The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods
Part 1 - Basic Principles of a Good Diet
Chapter 1 - Human Nutrition: An Evolutionary Perspective

It appears that humans are better suited to a diet composed primarily of plant foods.  The evidence supporting a diet’s role in chronic degenerative diseases is substantial with two basic facts linking the diet-disease connection. First a diet rich in plant foods is protective against many diseases common in Western society and secondly a diet providing a low intake of plant foods is a causative factor in the the development of these diseases by providing conditions where other causative factors become more active.
Diseases highly associated with a diet low in plant foods:
Metabolic - Obesity, gout, diabetes, kidney stones, gallstones
Cardiovascular - High blood pressure, strokes, heart disease, varicose veins, deep-vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism
Colonic - Constipation, appendicitis, diverticulitis, diverticulosis, hemorrhoids, colon cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease
Other - Dental decay, autoimmune disorders, pernicious anemia, multiple sclerosis, thyrotoxicosis, psoriasis, acne
The biggest change in the last one hundred years of human nutrition was the switch from a diet high in complex carbohydrates, as found naturally occurring in grains and vegetables to a dramatic increase in the number of calories consumed in the form of simple sugars.
The Glycemic Index (GI) is a numerical scale used to indicate how fast and how high a particular food raises blood glucose (blood sugar) levels. Foods with a lower glycemic index create a slower rise in blood sugar.  
The optimal health food pyramid provided by this book incorporates the best aspects from two of the most healthful diets ever studied: the Mediterranean and the traditional Asian diet.
optimal health food pyramid.jpgVegetables (5-7 servings daily); provide the broadest range of nutrients of any food class. Avoid overcooking vegetables; try light steaming, baking, and quick stir fries to retain the highest amount of nutrients.
3 categories of vegetables: green leafy and cruciferous (2-4 servings), low glycemic (2-3 servings), and starchy (1-2 servings).
Green leafy & cruciferous: bok choy, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, chard, collard greens, dandelion greens, kale, lettuce, parsley, spinach, watercress
Low glycemic: Artichoke, asparagus, bean sprouts, bell peppers, carrots, celery, cucumber, mushrooms, okra, onions, peas, radishes, rhubarb, string beans, summer squash, tomatoes, zucchini
Starchy: Beets, potatoes, parsnips, pumpkin, winter/acorn/butternut squash, sweet potatoes/yams
Good Oils and Fats - Nuts, Seeds, and Vegetable Oils (4 servings daily):
Nuts and seed, especially those providing monounsaturated and medium chain fatty acids, contain beneficial oils. Focus on raw nuts and seed, avoiding the ones roasted in oils or coated with sugar. Enjoy nuts and seeds as a snack, on salads, or add to sauteed greens. Variety is key; try almonds, Brazil nuts, flaxseeds, pecans, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and walnuts.  Use  canola, flaxseed, macadamia, or olive oil to replace butter, margarine and shortening or try them in your homemade salad dressings.  Avoid using safflower, sunflower, soy, and corn oil because they are high in omega-6 fatty acid which feed into inflammatory pathways.
Whole Grains (3-5 servings daily):
It is very important to choose whole, minimally processed grain products over their processed counterparts. Whole grains provide substantially more nutrients and health promoting properties. A rich source of complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber, magnesium, other minerals, B vitamins, and protein.
Beans - Legumes (2-3 servings daily):
Compared to grains, beans supply about the same number of total calories but usually provide 2-4 times as much protein and are a richer source of soluble fiber that lowers cholesterol and stabilizes blood sugar levels. A serving size of beans is ½ cup
Fruits (3-4 servings daily):
Fruits, a rich source of many beneficial nutrients, make an excellent between-meals snack and a super dessert. Eat a rainbow assortment of fruits over the course of a week keeping in mind one serving of fruit is a medium fruit, ½ cup cut-up fruit, 4 oz of 100% fruit juice or ¼ cup dried fruit.
Dairy - optional (1-2 servings):
Many people are allergic to milk or lack the enzymes necessary to digest dairy products. Although rich in protein and calcium; dairy is high in fat and calories lacking the wide nutrient spectrum of the food categories previously discussed.  Use organic, nonfat, or reduced-fat dairy products to avoid as much agricultural chemicals and hormones as possible.  Fermented dairy products such as yogurt, kefir, and acidophilus-fortified milk are preferred due to their content of beneficial bacteria which predigest the dairy proteins and sugars. One serving equals 1 cup of milk, yogurt, cottage cheese or 1 oz of cheese.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Importance of Modifications

Our bodies speak to us in a delicate intellectual medium of chemical reactions within the body.  Yoga gets your focus tapped into how your body feels while it strengthens, lengthens and heals the mind body breath connection.  Each time we step to our mat the body is in a different place than it was ever before.   Some times you need to give your body comfort other times it needs to be pushed.  Modifications in practice are essential to give your body the tailored practice that is safest and most beneficial.  When we step into the studio all judgment is released to find growth and peace.  Our mat, blocks, a strap, the wall can be used to better our alignment and practice.

"When I make modifications in class I find it encourages others to ease up and make the modifications that are right for them." Alice - Employee at Mt Pleasant Hot Yoga

Friday, February 20, 2015

Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana - Half Bound Lotus Standing

Stand in Tadasana (Mountain)
Inhale raise one leg from the floor, bend the knee keeping the foot flexed and rest the sole of the foot on the left thigh. 
Hold the foot with the hand. 
For a deeper stretch hold the foot with the hand on the same side. Inhale lengthen the spine, exhale bend the torso forward placing the hand on the floor and keeping the head up.
On an exhale rest the head.

On an inhale, slowly lift your head followed with a long flat spine reaching to the sky. Slowly unbind the leg.
Breathe. Repeat on the opposite side.

If the foot cannot be grabbed by the other arm a strap may help to gain flexibility. If hand cannot reach the floor a block may help you achieve stability in the forward fold. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Adzuki Bean Burger on Thai Peanut Mediterranean Couscous

What a quick and easy meal with all of the delicousness!
Hilary's Green Chili & Cumin Adzuki Bean Burger on organic mediterranean couscous, broccoli, orange pepper, and shallots in a creamy thai peanut sauce; San-j Thai Peanut Marinade, organic heavy whipping cream, and chipotle powder. Lastly an avocado on the side.  Yum! 

Warm in the oven at 400 degrees for 5 minutes

Warm broccoli, orange pepper, shallot in a skillet for 5 minutes then add the thai peanut sauce.
In another pan cook the couscous in water for 10 minutes.  Drain if there is excess water. 
Add the veggies. Mix in chipotle powder, a little cream, and more marinade if needed.  

Plate and enjoy!

Benefits of Balasana - Child's Pose

Balasana - Child's Pose

This pose gently stretches the hips, thighs, ankles and lower back.  Calming the brain and breath this posture helps to relieve stress and fatigue. Bringing conscious breath to the back of the torso it also provides an excellent opportunity to lengthen and widen the spine.  

Begin on all fours in table pose (bharmanasana) keeping hands directly under shoulders and knees directly under hips.  Touch your big toes together and separate your knees.  With an exhale lay your torso between your thighs and sit onto your heels. With the breath broaden your sacrum and lengthen the tailbone across the back of your pelvis while narrowing your hip points toward the navel. 
On an inhale lengthen the torso and lift from the tailbone replacing the hands under the shoulders returning to table.

Modifications: If there is difficulty sitting onto the heels protect the ankles by staying on the toes. 
Variations: Put the arms by your side with palms up to release the shoulders.
Keep the knees together.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Benefits of Vrksasana - Tree

Vrksansana - Tree

This pose tones the leg muscles and gives one a sense of balance and poise. Assisting the body in establishing pelvic stability, stabilizing and enhancing our root chakra; the energy center of support, security, and safety.  It also strengthens the sciatic nerve and the arches of the feet beneficial for those with sciatica or dropped arches.

Begin standing in Tadasana - Mountain 
Bend one leg at the knee and place the right heel on the other leg. Rest the foot on the thigh, calf or on the floor with the toes pointing downwards.  Balance on the leg, join the palms and raise the arms straight over the head. 
Lower the arms and separate the palms, straighten the right leg and stand again in Tadasana. 
Repeat the posture on the other leg.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Yoga Sutra - VRITTI-S

Principle 14 - Vritt-s
Activity in the Heart-Mind
Wisdom arrives inside the circle; affairs are left outside the gate.
 - Zen Master Hongzhi

The activity on the surface of the heart-mind can conceal our inner light of awareness
Practicing yoga includes doing everything i can to cultivate a calm and stable heart-mind.
I will reduce distracting and harmful thoughts by practicing meditation regularly, even if it is only for a few minutes a day.

Think of a time when a preconceived notion has caused you to judge someone unfairly, possibly based on stereotype. How can you prevent this from happening again?
Sit quietly in meditation and observe how thoughts and emotions distract your attention from the point of focus.
Try and separate the detrimental thoughts and emotions from the helpful ones, and then investigate where the negative ones came from.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Yoga Sutra - SAMYOGA

Principle 13 - Samyoga
False Identification of the Seer with the Seen
All that is visible clings to the invisible, the audible to the inaudible, the tangible to the intangible, perhaps the thinkable to the unthinkable.
- from NOVALIS - translated be Lama Govinda

An unbiased yet well-informed perspective is the best way to understand any situation
I can recognize when I am too involved in a situation to perceive it clearly and fairly
I will strive to step back and discriminate between impermanent, changing events and the eternal inner light of awareness

Think of a situation in which you were too involved to be able to perceive it clearly.  How would it have helped if you could have stepped back and gained a more objective view?

Meditate on your inner light of awareness in order to experience it as a separate, ever-present entity.

Mix some sugar in tome water and water and watch the sugar dissolve. Taste the invisible sweetness and think of that sweet invisible inner light of awareness that resides in your body.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Yoga Sutras - DUHKHA

Principle 12 - Duhka
Suffering as Opportunity
The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in.  Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.
- Rumi

Suffering offers insight into my deeply help patterns and conditioning.
If I learn from the mistakes and misfortunes experienced by myself and others, then I can avoid or reduce future suffering.
I strive to make conscious choices with a discerning heart-mind.

Think of a painful experience.  What could you have done differently to avoid it, and what can you do to keep it from happening again.
What valuable lessons have you learned from your mistakes? Write down several 'mistakes' and how learning from the contributed to your personal growth and happiness.
How might contemplation and discernment (viveka) help you better change and find the opportunity within the suffering.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Yoga Sutras - PARINAMA

Principle 11 - Parinama
Grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
The Serenity Prayer

Our heart-mind (citta) can change rapidly but our deeply rooted opinions and longstanding habits are much slower to transform.
"According to yoga and modern science, all matter is made up of basic elements that never fundamentally change.  Yet they take on different forms and combine into thousands of different molecules and composites. Each person's field of consciousness (citta) go through many changes yet inside we all share the same inner light of awareness (purusa) that silently watches them."
Changes in our physical boddy affect our breath, heart and mind. The current state of each individual heart and mind (citta) is the result of past experiences and habitual patterns.  Nature (Drsya) like the conscious mind continually changes.

Real lasting change usually begins with discomfort and ends with joy and respect for oneself.
I can replace obstructions to my progress with what encourages and supports moving in a positive direction.
I will set an intention for positive changes in my life that are conducive to the practice of yoga.

Think about some aspect of yourself that you'd like to change. Create a plan to gradually transform this aspect. As you follow your plan, observe yourself each time you either behave before or succeed in modifying your behavior. (These moments may be noticeable only if you sit quietly at the end of the day and ponder the day's events) Over time, you may need to adjust your plan until it works and you feel positive about the results.
Recall a time in your life when change was thrust upon you. How did you react  to this change? Consider how you might react differently the next time you experience an unexpected turn of events, in terms of staying positive and moving forward with your life instead of letting the event pull you down.
How are you different than you were ten or twenty years ago? Think about what caused these changes. Were they intentional or natural result of your surroundings (people, places, or events in history)? If intentional how did you influence others by your example?

It all changes when you begin to imprint your intention upon the universe instead of it imprinting its intention upon you.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Yoga Sutra - KARMA and SAMSKARA

Principle 10 - Karma and Samskara
Action and Its Imprint
"Do unto others as you would have them do to you."

Karma means action or activity that produces a result and leaves behind an energetic impression inside our heart-mind.  Karma is recorded within the imprint of memory and within the memory bank of the universe. For every action there is an equal an opposite reaction - Sir Isacc Newton's third law. The law of karma encourages us to practice equanimity and act selflessly for the benefit of others.

Any event we experience leaves an impression in our memory.
I can avoid disturbinf events and participate in positive, uplifting ones.
I will act toward others as I would like them to act toward me.

Imagine how your actions might change if every moment were recorded on video for the entire world to see.
What patterns do I possess, and how does each one influence or drive my behavior?
If samskara causes negativity to arise, how can I transform that samskara into something positive?

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Yoga Sutra - ISVARA

Principle 9 - Isvara
The Source Knowledge
"Spirituality dawns when the intellect is silenced by loving devotion and reverential humility."
-Kirpal Singh

Yoga presents knowledge of the physical world based on observation and  experience.  Yoga investigates truth and principles of existence, knowledge and conduct.  Based on a theory of creation that involves an unchanging, permanent, divine awareness (purusa).

I deeply respect the divine energy untouched by the ever-changing world around me.
I can connect to the pure inner light of knowledge by uttering the sacred sound of creation.
I will endeavor to make informed decisions and understand all points of view.

Think of a symbol that repreents isvara to you, such as a prophet, diety, or even a religion. Sit quietly and meditate on this symbol.
Find out what sound began creation according to whatever religion you practice.  If there is none, try usings Om by chanting it over and over again, thereby linking to this universal light of knowledge.
Think of the teachers who have influenced you most in your life.  Sit quietly and pay homage to them, thanking them for passing on such valuable knowledge. They are each a form of isvara for you.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Yoga Sutra - VAIRAGYA

The Path of Yoga Sutras - a practical guide to the core of yoga
     written by Nicholai Bachman

Principle 7 - Vairagya
Nonattachment to Sensory Objects

"The secret of happiness lies in the mind's release from worldly ties."
-The Buddha

Attachment to that which inevitably changes causes suffering
As my heart-mind turns inward, I become less and less affected by external objects and conditions.
I will be deeply content when I do not depend on material things to make me happy.

Think of situations in which remaining indifferent is helpful to yourself and others.  Are you able to be that way? Why or why not?  Identify possible attschments associated with the situation.  How can you detach from them?

As you establish an abhyasa practice, notice what attachments naturally fade.  For example, when you begin doing regular aerobic exercise to replace idle time, you may notice yourself daydreaming less.  Or if you start a vigorous asana practice, a high libido may adjust to normal as you feel your body stretching and moving.

Sit quietly and meditate. Notice the path of your attention as it moves toward and away from the point of focus.  Making a list of your to-dos beforehand may help reduce the amount of time your mind wanders.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Yoga Sutra - ABHAYSA

The Path of Yoga Sutras - A practical guide to the core of yoga
       written by Nicholai Bachman

Principle 6 - Abhaysa
Diligent, Focused Practice
"Be soft in your practice.  Think of the method as a fine silvery stream, not a raging waterfall.  Follow the stream, have faith in its course. It will go on its own way, meandering here trickling there.  It will find grooves, the cracks, the crevices.  Just follow it.  Never let it out of your sight.

Abhyasa along with viveka (keen discernment) are fundamental practices within all progress.

Adhyasa along with vairagya (non-attachment to sensory objects) are necessary to calm the heart-mind.

"For example, we want to learn how to cook our own meals instead of eating at restaurants all the time.  At first, it takes a while to acquire the ingredients and follow recipes.  Each time we make the same dishes, they become easier.  Eventually, the recipes that began as difficult and time consuming seem fast and simple.  For another example, if you come down with a disease that is hard to shake, establishing healthy dietary, exercise, and lifestyle habits can help you overcome this obstacle and move in a positive helpful direction.
It is important to stay on track and not give up, even when we want to.  Practice makes perfect.  If we can get ourselves into good routine, practiceing becomes habitual and, thus, easier. Whether we attend regular asana classes or set aside time every morning to sit quitely and meditate, perserverance will ensure some level of progress.  Over time our body, breath, heart, and mind will become more clear, refined, and pure, benefiting not only ourselves but everyone around us as well."
Ongoing, sincere, and effortful practice is the source of my strength and progree.
Consistent, focused practice will diminish distractions, reduce attachment to superficial matters and deepen the connection to my divine inner Self.
Every time I practice, it empowers me and reinforces my positive direction.

If you do not yet have a regular practice, carve out some time in your day, even if it only ten minutes, to spend connecting with your inner Self.  Make this practice a priority, even higher than checking your email or answering the telephone.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Yoga Sutra - VIVEKA

The Path of The Yoga Sutras: a practical guide to the core of yoga 
     written by Nicolai Bachman

Principle 5 - Viveka
Keen Discernment
"Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."
-Dr Suess

Distinguishing what changes from the unchanging light within us is a way to end suffering.
With a clear heart-mind, I can develop the ability to determine what is helpful and what is not.
I will make wise and informed decisions for the benefit of all sentient beings.

The next time you have to make an important decision, collect as much information as possible, then sit quietly for some time.  Try and view all the angles before making your decision.  Will peer pressure factor into your decision?

When you see someone whom you need to interact with, but do not like very much, try and separate their personality from the divine inner light of awareness residing within them.  Take time to meditate on the dynamic between you, and see if there is a way to improve our interactions.

Think of areas in your life where you could practice more viveka and how you might apply it.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Yoga Sutra - DRSYA

The Path of The Yoga Sutras: a practical guide to the core of yoga 
     written by Nicolai Bachman

Principle 4 - Drysa

Ever-Changing Mother Nature


all creeping things
the bells of transience."

Seer (Drastr/Purusa) 


Seeable (Drysa/Prakrti)


The seer (purusa), the instrument od seeing (citta) and the seen (drsya) all play their parts during perception.  Imagine the seer sitting quietly in its own luminosity watching the entire cosmic process; all matter and energy that encompass the changing, manifesting world; watching everything but the seer. 


A conscious, permanent, inner light of awareness pervades the impermanent, changing universe.
I can alleviate suffering by distinguishing between what changes and what never changes.
I will begin to accept the transient nature of all things by the persistent and sincere practice of yoga. 


The next time you go to a movie in a theater, imagine a blank screen is your citta; the images projected onto the screen are your thoughts, emotions and perceptions; an the light that allows you to see the images is the seer within you.  Think about the illusory, changing nature of the images.  Notice, too, the emptiness, clarity and brightness that arises when there are no images in the way.

The next time your expectations are not met, see if you become upset.  Explore what you were or are attached to that caused the upset, and then view that thing as yet another changing entity within your seeable world.

Each time you see an object that looks like it does not change, such as a rock, think about how it might have become what it is, and what it might change to in a thousand or million years.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Yoga Sutra - PURUSA

The Path of The Yoga Sutras: a practical guide to the core of yoga 
     written by Nicolai Bachman

Principle 3 - Purusa
Pure Inner Light of Awareness
Weapons cannot cut this, fire cannot burn this, water cannot wet this, nor can wind make it dry.

 "Seated in our heart and pervading every cell of our body lies a conscious, intelligent awareness.  Individual uniqueness is due to our temporary, ever-changing body, breath and mind.  These outer layers of ourselves surround the inner divine light of awareness (purusa or atman), which illuminates the truth and expresses love and compassion."
   As we turn our attention inward through introspection and meditation (samyama), the rational mind softens and opens, allowing indescribable experiences to occur.  This divine inner spectator, also called the seer; quiet, still, changeless, simply watches the activity present in the heart-mind (citta). The tools and techniques provided by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras are all meant to clear our heart and mind for the single purpose of connecting with this purusa.  These practices reduce impurities, cultivate inner contentment, and cause compassionate presence enabling us to see this divine essence within all sentient beings.

There is an unchanging, pure awareness that illuminates my consciousness
I can catch glimpses of this inner light by quieting my heart-mind and focusing inward
I will practice yoga to clarify my heart-mind and allow the light of awareness to shine through

Meditate on the part of you that never changes
How does a belief in a divine entity help people cope with the ups and downs of life?

Sit quietly and ponder why the vast majority of the world's population believes in some higher power, even as more and more mysteries are explained by science.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Yoga Sutra - CITTA

The Path of The Yoga Sutras: a practical guide to the core of yoga 
     written by Nicolai Bachman

Principle 2 - Citta
Heart-Mind Field Consciousness
"The Power of the Universe will come to your assistance, if your heart and mind are in unity."
-Lakota saying, passed down from White Buffalo Calf Woman

Citta: heart-mind; outer and inner psyche, ego and memory, sitting between the ever-changing outside world and the inner light of awareness/unconditional Love. Interacts with external objects and conditioned by our experience
Citta-prasadana: clarifying the heart-mind so external objects accurately and truthfully.
Purusa: inner light of awareness, illuminates the citta
Samskara-s: habitual behavior patterns, opinions, biases, predjudices established from impressions and memories programmed into the citta.

The heart-mind is the center of consciousness.
I understand the citta as a link between external objects and the inner light of awareness.
I will guide my heart-mind field toward clarity and kindness.

Think of yourself in broader term, as if you were a citizen of the world instead of limited to your particular local culture. What might you do differently if you were free to act and not bound by conformity?

Think of times when you changed your mind, replacing what you thought before with something completely different.  How did this change affect your worldview?  Did you make the change instantly, or did you consider it carefully before making it? Did ou make this change as a result of a shift from within or influence from someone or something outside yourself?  If someone or something outside yourself convinced you to change your mind, what might that person or thing have to gain by you change of mind?

Which of your habits or behaviors are due to nature (genetic, acting the way your parents acted when they were your age) and which are due to nurture (based on your life experience)?

Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Path of The Yoga Sutras - ATHA

Today I have begun reading The Path of The Yoga Sutras written by Nicolai Bachman
I will be reading, discussing and applying one Sanskrit principle each day.  There are 51 discussed in the book so I will complete the book in the first week of March.

Introdution Page 1 & 2
 "The Yoga Sutras (written by Patanjali somewhere between 500BCE and 200CE) came to be accepted as the primary text  on yoga philosophy, not yoga postures (asana). Patanjali focuses on yoga as a method of transforming the way we think, communicate, and act by directing our attention inward and cultivating inner contentment.
   The Yoga Sutras consist of 195 small, concise aphorisms (called sutra-s) in four chapters. The aphorisms were written in Sanskrit, a language designed to express the subtle aspects of yoga.  The text describes human consciousness n detail, including how our heart-mind functions, how suffering happens, and how to refine our body, breath, mind and heart so we are able to cultivate inner happiness and free our selves from negativity."

Principle 1 - ATHA 
Readiness and Commitment
"Until one is committed, there is a hesitancy, the chance to draw back. The moment one definitely commits oneself the Providence moves too.  All sorts of things occur to help one that would otherwise never have occured. Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it."  Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Learning anything well requires eagerness, commitment, and perseverance
With an open mind, I can direct my attention inward and see what unfolds
I will set aside time for learning and practicing the principles of yoga
Think of a time when you took on too many projects at the same time. Writing down your thoughts ask yourself:
Which projects could have waited?
Honestly, every project could (and did) wait.
How did this overextended state affect the quality of your personal life?
I became more overwhelmed the farther behind I got and I gave up all together.
What could you have done differently?
 I could have focused upon one or two books that I was eager to read and wanted to apply to my life.  Also I could have focused upon one painting at a time.  Thus giving myself a realistic goal to accomplish and room for the busyness of life.   
Think of other ares of study you began, but could not keep up. Write down the reasons why you think they ended.  Did something more appealing replace them?  Did you give them enough of a chance?
Several times I have 'bitten off more than I could chew' and expected myself to follow through with every little task I would like to accomplish.  Last summer I designed a reading list that required me to read 10 pages of 7 books a day and I set a goal to have 5 paintings completed by the end of summer.  However, working 2 jobs and spending time with friends and family caused me to quickly fell behind on reading and painting.
What commitments have you made in your life that have brought you fulfillment?
My commitment to the Yoga studio and my practice.  My commitment to my career at GreenTree.  My commitment to my friends and family.  Lastly and most importantly my commitment to MYSELF.