Wednesday, April 15, 2015

April 16th, 2015

Thursday April 16th 
The moon has been in Pisces, plunging the illumination of our emotions into the depths of the mutable water sign.  Pour a water onto a table and see how mutable water flows into every corner.  A time of bonding ourselves emotionally to whatever is exposed. The intense current of Pisces can lead to opportunities of healing, correction and union within spiritual, emotional and esoteric avenues of consciousness.  Find value within connecting to something larger than life.
Moon in Pisces conjunct Chiron in Aries (12:09AM)  "When Chiron was forced to flee from his home atop Mount Pelion he took up new residence in Laconia.  Here he was accidentally wounded by one of Hercule's poisoned arrows when pursuing some malevolent Centaurs with his toxic darts. The venom of his arrow caused Chiron unbearable pain; to relieve himself of it the good Centaur renounced his immortality and passed out of Earth life."
Moon in Pisces trine Saturn Sagittarius (1:31PM) As we emerge from the depths of the we are sweetly kissed by the wise teacher which inspires harmonious, creative, and expansive action towards careful incorporation of the understanding gained through life experiences. Find our truth and take action upon our path.  What do we stand for and what will we carry forward.
Moon enters Aries (5:01PM) "I seek my self" Aries represents a drop of water which has been removed from the vast ocean or an individual ray of sunshine from the body of the Sun.  It is the individual ego rushing forth from the universal mind into the conscious light of life, ceaseless activity.  As the moon wanes and prepares for the New Moon on Saturday,
Pluto goes retrograde (9:19PM)
A new phase dawns for all of us; pursuits of social power ans status have a way of seeming inevitable. It's time to strongly and firmly believe in the truth, to become a mature example of the truth, a model of the truth and progress along in a steadfast way.

Plan for the day:
8:00AM Wake up - Smile & stretch
Morning Routine - feed Jinx, water plants, personal care (wash face, hands, brush teeth, scrape tongue) drink glass of water, drink glass of tea
8:30AM Meditate
To Do:
Read 30+min
Life Leadership CD/Radio
Practice yoga - create my own sequence and practice outside
Research ashkanga yoga & permaculture design
House upkeep - Vacuum & mop floors, clean countertops, deep clean pantry & fridge, take out trash.
Make shopping list
Prepare meal for work
3:00PM Closing shift at GreenTree
10:30PM Evening Routine - unpack belongings from work, return messages, planner, personal care (wash face, hands, brush teeth, scrape tongue) meditate, set out dream journal.

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