I was asked by a close friend how she could get her mind off of someone she cared for deeply. He was a part of her life on a regular basis and she wanted that to remain the same. Yet, she wanted to quiet the mental chatter when he was not there. Hurt and desperation followed the thought of where the relationship has been. And it seemed the world continually provided her with situations that reminded her of him. I've recently had paralleled feelings. My advice to her and myself was simple in composition. Although it does takes discipline to achieve.
The optimal way to get your mind off from a repetitive pattern of negativity is to put your focus on an activity that has a motivational goal attached to the completion of it. Simply, if you know what you don't want then you know what you do want. If you look at the absence of the object of your desire you will surely remain with the lack there of. For the laws of the universe guarantees we receive what our focus is on. Rather look at the reasons why you want it and how it would feel to attain it. Positive affirmations supercharge the momentum of corrected mental thinking. When it comes to thinking every word is vital because of our numerous associations with a single word. Take your time and carefully compose your new thoughts because the stronger your resistance the stronger your energy needs to point in a challenging direction. The psyche of the changed mental thinking I call the 'super-ego'. I coined the term from the famous psychiatrist Sigmund Freud. However I have my own tailored associations with the meaning. To watch thy self while watching others. To examine our mental activity & instinctual behavior, the actions of others, evaluating a desired outcome & inspiring our actions from within as we sift through the contrast. To awaken the mind; a co-creator who understands the power of thinking. 'Your consciousness knows no death, no birth; it is only your body that is born and dies, but we are rarely aware of this consciousness. You are not conscious of your consciousness, and that is the whole art of meditation; becoming conscious of consciousness itself.'
I recommend a meditative entrance into your thinking when you're wanting to evaluate yours goals & observe the negative patterns of your cognition. You go into meditation and then delicately antagonize your mental chatter and observe the mind while its trying to wrestle your stability. To observe how your goals change your feelings. You deserve to love and be loved. You deserve to feel satisfaction and joy. 'You exist in time but you belong to eternity. You are a penetration of eternity into the world of time. You are deathless, living in a body of death.'
So, what do you want to accomplish, feel, believe? Write it down. If you do not write it down, it is not a goal, it is just a wish. Why do you have passion for these? Write it down. How can you begin to achieve it? Write that down. What are the thoughts you want to change? Write them down. How can you change each thought towards the enjoyment of it? That's essentially why you dwell on the lack of having it, right? You enjoyed it so much you are sad when you no longer have it. Now write down examples of what you adored. Be sure to re-direct your cogitation towards the appreciation of the happening and away from not having it. If you actively incorporate your goals and positive affirmations when you detect a downward spiral the momentum of your negativity should dissipate. I recommend keeping a copy of what you written on hand so you may read it when needed. With time and determination it will come more naturally to correct your thinking. You will notice less disappointment and more of the positive aspects of what you have chosen to focus on. As you gain momentum I hope you will appreciate the new opportunities that present themselves. The laws of the universe working in harmony with an awaken consciousness is stronger than hundreds who are not in concert with them. A matured super-ego takes time and a beneficial direction. Be patient and have fun. You never have yesterday. You never have tomorrow. You only possess the key to unlock the possibility of NOW.

Where are you going?
Which way should I go?
That depends on where you are going.
I don't know.
Then it doesn't matter which way you go.
-Lewis Carroll
I polarize in order to question, stabilizing fearlessness. I seal the output of intelligence with the lunar tone of challenge. I am guided by the power of elegance.
I polarize in order to question, stabilizing fearlessness. I seal the output of intelligence with the lunar tone of challenge. I am guided by the power of elegance.
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