I have rearranged the time I spend in the morning to align with the cycle of the zodiac and the flow of energy through the body. You can find more details of the previous routine here: http://lunarwarrior.blogspot.com/2014/05/laying-right-foundation.html
Wake up - Smile, stretch, breathe place feet on the floor and begin
(10 minutes) Sun Salutations: Aries - Head - And its connection with the body
(10 minutes) Put water on for tea & go outside. Listen to the birds while walking with bare-feet in the grass: Taurus - Neck - Open Throat Center
(10 minutes) Drink Tea & catch up with social networks: Gemini - Arms - Reach out to others
(20 minutes) Prepare breakfast & feed Jinx: Cancer - Breast - Physical well being & Mothering responsibilities
(Simultaneously with ^) LIFE CD or an Abraham Hicks video: Leo - Heart - Set mentality & direction
(20 minutes) Eat breakfast: Virgo - Belly
(Simultaneously with ^) Write in planner & set goals: Libra - Reigns
(10 minutes) Journal & Affirmations: Scorpio - Secrets
(10 minutes) Actively read a book with a goal of 10 pages. Maybe read while in a plank or aloud while balancing on one foot: Sagittarius - Thighs - Constant pursuit of new ideas.
(10 minutes) Daily Chore: Capricorn - Knees - Dexterity & Marathon mentality
(20 minutes) Reach out to others / make a phone call to a loved one: Aquarius - Ankles - Stability
(Simultaneously with ^) Be aware of emotions while conversing with others Pisces - Feet - Remain grounded.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Friday, June 6, 2014
Laying The Right Foundation
As we began a new moon cycle in Gemini May 28th at 2:40PM EST, it would be worth all of our time to reflect on the changes we have applied to life these chaotic and unpredictable past few months. The new moon launches a good two week cycle until the Sagittarius full moon Friday, June 13th. This is the time to praise our progression, make a plan about how to change what is no longer desired, and take the initiative to become the allower of the desired outcome. I would recommend to have all your ducks in a row before Mercury goes retrograde in June. For now the sun, moon and mercury are all in the sign of Gemini; the house of communication, travel, and lower mind connections. Directing our ego, emotions and communications towards social networking, joining with others and traveling short distances to achieve knowledge of some sort. Naturally, I decided to challenge myself with starting up this creative outlet again. Thus beginning to speak with a 'new' written voice on a public platform.
Shortly after the moon began it's new cycle Venus went into her natural house of Taurus. She transitioned from the cardinal fire Aries to the fixed earth Taurus. Thrilled to be home she is encouraging all of us to align with our core values. It is the perfect time to get into touch with our intended path and see just exactly how to achieve it.. together. When our actions and intentions are lined up with our core values, we begin to create the life we truly desire. My 22nd birthday was on the 24th of this month also causing me to reflect upon the past year. I am proud that I have implemented some physical, mental, emotional and social changes to the routines of my life. These have given me a better platform to begin building the life I want to live. By nature we are habitual creatures and I have learned recently that it's the little habits that make all the difference when juggling all the different aspects of life.
February 19th, 2014 I was given a 24 hr a House of Doolittle daily/monthly appointment planner and this began my attempt to balance the time in my life. Shortly after on the first of March Mars went retrograde kicking the enthusiasm to balance my life into high gear. Mars was retrograde in Libra, the house of partnerships, creating a balancing act of our actions and defenses in close confidante-like relationships. Mars went direct this month May 19th, settling the dust of the internal deep changes we've made and we are now ready to ask the question 'what do we want next?' I already feel the speed of things picking up as I begin to act and react from my new balanced center. Gained after heavy contemplation and a few reality checks that took place during the retrograde. Balancing what you need to do with what you can do will lead to a feeling of accomplishment. Turning time management into habits takes quality effort and time because life seems to be more about the process than the product. Technically we cannot manage time, only ourselves. Therefore, as I acquire a newly skilled approach to how I manage my time, I find I have a better grasp on the reins of my life. I took my time when researching the 'best' time management practices finding what works well with me. Continually changing my routines to adjust to my ever-changing life, I am proud I have come so far in a short time.
'It's all about your dream' they keep telling me. 'If you aim at nothing you will surely hit it with amazing accuracy.' So what would you do if I knew I could not fail? Firstly, I want to create an education system that would encourage the child's mastery of his/her mind. Secondly I wish to be an example of how to channel and co-create a life with Source, the creator of all existence. Both attainable goals yet large enough to overcome menial obstacles that I will come across. I urge everyone to write down some dreams they'd like to achieve if they knew they could not fail.
Next step was evaluating the reality of my life and create reasons why I want to make small improvements in my live. Therefore a purpose and reasoning are created for why I want to manage my time better, writing them down and occasionally reading them I am more likely to achieve them.
I've listed a few below:
* To be more productive and not allowing any opportunities to pass me by.
* Freedom from the shackles of debt; regaining control of my time and money.
* To have all of my priorities taken care of so I can help others when needed
* To be an example of the behavior I want to see in others and the world.
I then, composed a list of my responsibilities and evaluated the level of priority and the expectation of completion. I recommend you then evaluate your energy throughout the day and correlate the completion of the task with the amount of energy you will need to complete it. Everyone's energy timetable is different. I find that I enjoy taking the first hour or so in the morning to set my mindset for the rest of the day. I enjoy being active physically throughout the day and most creative at night while relaxing. Seeing as my demeanor in the morning is more of the grizzly bear than the goldy locks type, I researched several successful entrepreneurs and self help gurus for a way to wake up pleasant and earlier than I had been.
My morning routine has been in development for almost 3 months. As the demands of my life change I tailor it to my needs. The first part of my morning routine starts the night before by setting out my dream journal and planner on my nightstand. I will write in my planner the time I intend on waking up and set my alarm. I use some song as my alarm, choosing one that motivates my mindset. As my alarm goes off and I regain my consciousness, before turning off my alarm and even opening my eyes, I smile largely and give my body a large stretch. A smile physically asks a person to start the day with positivity and a stretch awakens the body. Two small changes helping tremendously to kick start a productive morning routine. I notice on the days I dont do both I'm more likely to hit the snooze and accomplish less. Next I reach for my pen and dream journal, scribble a description of last night's adventure into my journal and check-mark the time I woke. By now I am mentally present enough to get out of bed, feed my kitty and prepare my tea.
Acquiring some information at the beginning of the year about the health risks present in people who chronically drank coffee; I began to substitute my couple cups of coffee a day with rhodiola and caffeinated tea. I enjoy starting my day with tea, lemon and coconut oil. The type of tea changes daily. The tea of the week is Tulsi Original by Organic India. Lemon is a cancer fighter, immune booster, pH balancer, digestion aid, skin clearer, breath freshener, and a good source of vitamin c. I add a table spoon of coconut oil to my tea as well. My favorite reason to add coconut oil (besides the infinite benefits) is that I don't have to re-apply chap-stick throughout the day because my lips were moisturized first thing in the morning! I have a strong desire to make all sorts of skin products using coconut oil and essential oils. Maybe in the near future I will pursue that further seeing how on May 28th I was hired at the GreenTree Co-op!
While my tea is steeping I mentally wipe my slate clean with mindful breathing and personal energy work. At least once a week, most likely on the weekend, I will sit through an extended guided meditation. This 'reboot' can range anywhere in between 5 minutes and 35 minutes. After I drink my tea, I read aloud my empowering vision and some positive affirmations. Recently I've began to learn how co-create my life using the law of attraction. I implement new habitual thinking in the morning to have a beneficial day. It's the basic principle of what you put in is what you get out of life. What you seek vibrationally is always attracted to you. Therefore it is part of my routine to use positive words, affirmations and an empowering vision to begin my day with the right mentality. All of our inner dialogue is a stream of affirmations. Subconsciously we are continually affirming with our words, thoughts and flow of affirmations to create our life experience in every moment. Our 'beliefs' are just learned thought patterns groomed by our DNA, environment and society. Some may work for us while others may be sabotaging our success.
Examples of Positive Affirmations:
*I enjoy watching the vibrational relationship of the manifestations of my life.
*Prosperity is drawn to me because I seek it and work towards it.
*The law of abundance is always working for me and sending a vibrational match to what I seek.
*I am constantly receiving happy surprises that I am thankful for.
*I willingly receive prosperity into my life.
*I am constantly amazed at how quickly I get back into my vortex of creation and prosperity.
*I am the power, master and the cause of my attitude, feelings, emotions and behaviors.
*I am powerful, whole and complete within myself.
*I am balanced and begin my actions from this powerful center
*I do not willingly allow anything to knock me off center, accept my vibrational relationship with my disappointments, thus releasing resistance and create another opportunity to get into my vortex.
*I recognize my mistakes are positive lessons that challenge me to change my vibrational relationship with reality and Source.
*I am a powerful creator and the universe works in concert with me and we co-create rhythmic things.
*I believe in the laws of the universe and I strive to be a master of those laws achieving many wonderful things.
*Today I want to be alive and responsive to what I'm doing. I want to be aware of how I'm feeling and I want to mix it up with a lot of people and have a lot of fun! It is my dominant intent to be aware of how I'm feeling as I moving through conversations and through thoughts in my own head. I know how to get into the vortex and I strive to do it. When I find myself out of it, no big deal, I will just make an effort to find the inspiration necessary to get in.
My Empowering Vision:
"To be a leader if the world. One who's intent truly impacts many people's lives directly or indirectly. Like a ripple my existence will inspire others to imprint their intent on the universe while we encourage them to see their potential, help others & seek vibrational harmony with Source.
To gain financial freedom, buying my time back and building a foundation for generations to come. To grow and evolve who I am to the maximum potential and be ready when called upon. To travel the world and appreciate it's beauty. To appreciate the beauty in the differences of how each person lives and thinks. To be a ten in all areas of my life essentially attracting my ideal ten, my soulmate. To be fulfilled, happy, passionate, playful and grateful on a daily basis. To give love unconditionally to my family & friends freely. To be spiritually connected and led by Source who is always wanting to give me everything I am in vibrational harmony with."
There are several other changes of behavior and habits I have picked up and work on implementing as much as possible. Such as a weekly/monthly cleaning schedule.
Monday: Clean out fridge, pantry and take out trash
Tuesday: Vacuum and shake rugs
Wednesday: Deep clean bathroom
Thursday: Wash bedding & throws
Friday: Deep clean kitchen
Saturday: Deep clean living & utility room
Sunday: Monthly chore & laundry
1st Week: Dust doors, windows, & vents
2nd Week: Sort through old papers and projects
3rd Week: Go through closets and donate what is no longer needed
4th Week: Plan for the month ahead & set goals
The 60 Second Rule:
If I contemplate doing something and it takes 60 seconds or less, I do not internally argue, I just get up and do it.
Book (10pages)
I was recently told that if I develop the discipline of reading daily, it would enrich my life, business, and the lives of others for the many years to come. Jim Rohn states that reading daily is the kind of discipline that is "the bridge between thought and accomplishment." I now read 10 pages from several books a day.
These changes have been small yet worthwhile in the long run. I urge all friends and loved ones to do a deep cleaning internally before Mercury goes retrograde. Have a good foundation to let the current of the world sweeps you off your feet or you and those around you may suffer for your insanity. For peace we learn and love.
I polarize in order to question, stabilizing fearlessness. I seal the output of intelligence with the lunar tone of challenge. I am guided buy the power of elegance.
Shortly after the moon began it's new cycle Venus went into her natural house of Taurus. She transitioned from the cardinal fire Aries to the fixed earth Taurus. Thrilled to be home she is encouraging all of us to align with our core values. It is the perfect time to get into touch with our intended path and see just exactly how to achieve it.. together. When our actions and intentions are lined up with our core values, we begin to create the life we truly desire. My 22nd birthday was on the 24th of this month also causing me to reflect upon the past year. I am proud that I have implemented some physical, mental, emotional and social changes to the routines of my life. These have given me a better platform to begin building the life I want to live. By nature we are habitual creatures and I have learned recently that it's the little habits that make all the difference when juggling all the different aspects of life.
February 19th, 2014 I was given a 24 hr a House of Doolittle daily/monthly appointment planner and this began my attempt to balance the time in my life. Shortly after on the first of March Mars went retrograde kicking the enthusiasm to balance my life into high gear. Mars was retrograde in Libra, the house of partnerships, creating a balancing act of our actions and defenses in close confidante-like relationships. Mars went direct this month May 19th, settling the dust of the internal deep changes we've made and we are now ready to ask the question 'what do we want next?' I already feel the speed of things picking up as I begin to act and react from my new balanced center. Gained after heavy contemplation and a few reality checks that took place during the retrograde. Balancing what you need to do with what you can do will lead to a feeling of accomplishment. Turning time management into habits takes quality effort and time because life seems to be more about the process than the product. Technically we cannot manage time, only ourselves. Therefore, as I acquire a newly skilled approach to how I manage my time, I find I have a better grasp on the reins of my life. I took my time when researching the 'best' time management practices finding what works well with me. Continually changing my routines to adjust to my ever-changing life, I am proud I have come so far in a short time.
'It's all about your dream' they keep telling me. 'If you aim at nothing you will surely hit it with amazing accuracy.' So what would you do if I knew I could not fail? Firstly, I want to create an education system that would encourage the child's mastery of his/her mind. Secondly I wish to be an example of how to channel and co-create a life with Source, the creator of all existence. Both attainable goals yet large enough to overcome menial obstacles that I will come across. I urge everyone to write down some dreams they'd like to achieve if they knew they could not fail.
Next step was evaluating the reality of my life and create reasons why I want to make small improvements in my live. Therefore a purpose and reasoning are created for why I want to manage my time better, writing them down and occasionally reading them I am more likely to achieve them.
I've listed a few below:
* To be more productive and not allowing any opportunities to pass me by.
* Freedom from the shackles of debt; regaining control of my time and money.
* To have all of my priorities taken care of so I can help others when needed
* To be an example of the behavior I want to see in others and the world.
I then, composed a list of my responsibilities and evaluated the level of priority and the expectation of completion. I recommend you then evaluate your energy throughout the day and correlate the completion of the task with the amount of energy you will need to complete it. Everyone's energy timetable is different. I find that I enjoy taking the first hour or so in the morning to set my mindset for the rest of the day. I enjoy being active physically throughout the day and most creative at night while relaxing. Seeing as my demeanor in the morning is more of the grizzly bear than the goldy locks type, I researched several successful entrepreneurs and self help gurus for a way to wake up pleasant and earlier than I had been.
My morning routine has been in development for almost 3 months. As the demands of my life change I tailor it to my needs. The first part of my morning routine starts the night before by setting out my dream journal and planner on my nightstand. I will write in my planner the time I intend on waking up and set my alarm. I use some song as my alarm, choosing one that motivates my mindset. As my alarm goes off and I regain my consciousness, before turning off my alarm and even opening my eyes, I smile largely and give my body a large stretch. A smile physically asks a person to start the day with positivity and a stretch awakens the body. Two small changes helping tremendously to kick start a productive morning routine. I notice on the days I dont do both I'm more likely to hit the snooze and accomplish less. Next I reach for my pen and dream journal, scribble a description of last night's adventure into my journal and check-mark the time I woke. By now I am mentally present enough to get out of bed, feed my kitty and prepare my tea.
Acquiring some information at the beginning of the year about the health risks present in people who chronically drank coffee; I began to substitute my couple cups of coffee a day with rhodiola and caffeinated tea. I enjoy starting my day with tea, lemon and coconut oil. The type of tea changes daily. The tea of the week is Tulsi Original by Organic India. Lemon is a cancer fighter, immune booster, pH balancer, digestion aid, skin clearer, breath freshener, and a good source of vitamin c. I add a table spoon of coconut oil to my tea as well. My favorite reason to add coconut oil (besides the infinite benefits) is that I don't have to re-apply chap-stick throughout the day because my lips were moisturized first thing in the morning! I have a strong desire to make all sorts of skin products using coconut oil and essential oils. Maybe in the near future I will pursue that further seeing how on May 28th I was hired at the GreenTree Co-op!
While my tea is steeping I mentally wipe my slate clean with mindful breathing and personal energy work. At least once a week, most likely on the weekend, I will sit through an extended guided meditation. This 'reboot' can range anywhere in between 5 minutes and 35 minutes. After I drink my tea, I read aloud my empowering vision and some positive affirmations. Recently I've began to learn how co-create my life using the law of attraction. I implement new habitual thinking in the morning to have a beneficial day. It's the basic principle of what you put in is what you get out of life. What you seek vibrationally is always attracted to you. Therefore it is part of my routine to use positive words, affirmations and an empowering vision to begin my day with the right mentality. All of our inner dialogue is a stream of affirmations. Subconsciously we are continually affirming with our words, thoughts and flow of affirmations to create our life experience in every moment. Our 'beliefs' are just learned thought patterns groomed by our DNA, environment and society. Some may work for us while others may be sabotaging our success.
Examples of Positive Affirmations:
*I enjoy watching the vibrational relationship of the manifestations of my life.
*Prosperity is drawn to me because I seek it and work towards it.
*The law of abundance is always working for me and sending a vibrational match to what I seek.
*I am constantly receiving happy surprises that I am thankful for.
*I willingly receive prosperity into my life.
*I am constantly amazed at how quickly I get back into my vortex of creation and prosperity.
*I am the power, master and the cause of my attitude, feelings, emotions and behaviors.
*I am powerful, whole and complete within myself.
*I am balanced and begin my actions from this powerful center
*I do not willingly allow anything to knock me off center, accept my vibrational relationship with my disappointments, thus releasing resistance and create another opportunity to get into my vortex.
*I recognize my mistakes are positive lessons that challenge me to change my vibrational relationship with reality and Source.
*I am a powerful creator and the universe works in concert with me and we co-create rhythmic things.
*I believe in the laws of the universe and I strive to be a master of those laws achieving many wonderful things.
*Today I want to be alive and responsive to what I'm doing. I want to be aware of how I'm feeling and I want to mix it up with a lot of people and have a lot of fun! It is my dominant intent to be aware of how I'm feeling as I moving through conversations and through thoughts in my own head. I know how to get into the vortex and I strive to do it. When I find myself out of it, no big deal, I will just make an effort to find the inspiration necessary to get in.
My Empowering Vision:
"To be a leader if the world. One who's intent truly impacts many people's lives directly or indirectly. Like a ripple my existence will inspire others to imprint their intent on the universe while we encourage them to see their potential, help others & seek vibrational harmony with Source.
To gain financial freedom, buying my time back and building a foundation for generations to come. To grow and evolve who I am to the maximum potential and be ready when called upon. To travel the world and appreciate it's beauty. To appreciate the beauty in the differences of how each person lives and thinks. To be a ten in all areas of my life essentially attracting my ideal ten, my soulmate. To be fulfilled, happy, passionate, playful and grateful on a daily basis. To give love unconditionally to my family & friends freely. To be spiritually connected and led by Source who is always wanting to give me everything I am in vibrational harmony with."
There are several other changes of behavior and habits I have picked up and work on implementing as much as possible. Such as a weekly/monthly cleaning schedule.
Monday: Clean out fridge, pantry and take out trash
Tuesday: Vacuum and shake rugs
Wednesday: Deep clean bathroom
Thursday: Wash bedding & throws
Friday: Deep clean kitchen
Saturday: Deep clean living & utility room
Sunday: Monthly chore & laundry
1st Week: Dust doors, windows, & vents
2nd Week: Sort through old papers and projects
3rd Week: Go through closets and donate what is no longer needed
4th Week: Plan for the month ahead & set goals
The 60 Second Rule:
If I contemplate doing something and it takes 60 seconds or less, I do not internally argue, I just get up and do it.
Book (10pages)
I was recently told that if I develop the discipline of reading daily, it would enrich my life, business, and the lives of others for the many years to come. Jim Rohn states that reading daily is the kind of discipline that is "the bridge between thought and accomplishment." I now read 10 pages from several books a day.
These changes have been small yet worthwhile in the long run. I urge all friends and loved ones to do a deep cleaning internally before Mercury goes retrograde. Have a good foundation to let the current of the world sweeps you off your feet or you and those around you may suffer for your insanity. For peace we learn and love.
I polarize in order to question, stabilizing fearlessness. I seal the output of intelligence with the lunar tone of challenge. I am guided buy the power of elegance.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
We Are Eternal Beings
I was asked by a close friend how she could get her mind off of someone she cared for deeply. He was a part of her life on a regular basis and she wanted that to remain the same. Yet, she wanted to quiet the mental chatter when he was not there. Hurt and desperation followed the thought of where the relationship has been. And it seemed the world continually provided her with situations that reminded her of him. I've recently had paralleled feelings. My advice to her and myself was simple in composition. Although it does takes discipline to achieve.
The optimal way to get your mind off from a repetitive pattern of negativity is to put your focus on an activity that has a motivational goal attached to the completion of it. Simply, if you know what you don't want then you know what you do want. If you look at the absence of the object of your desire you will surely remain with the lack there of. For the laws of the universe guarantees we receive what our focus is on. Rather look at the reasons why you want it and how it would feel to attain it. Positive affirmations supercharge the momentum of corrected mental thinking. When it comes to thinking every word is vital because of our numerous associations with a single word. Take your time and carefully compose your new thoughts because the stronger your resistance the stronger your energy needs to point in a challenging direction. The psyche of the changed mental thinking I call the 'super-ego'. I coined the term from the famous psychiatrist Sigmund Freud. However I have my own tailored associations with the meaning. To watch thy self while watching others. To examine our mental activity & instinctual behavior, the actions of others, evaluating a desired outcome & inspiring our actions from within as we sift through the contrast. To awaken the mind; a co-creator who understands the power of thinking. 'Your consciousness knows no death, no birth; it is only your body that is born and dies, but we are rarely aware of this consciousness. You are not conscious of your consciousness, and that is the whole art of meditation; becoming conscious of consciousness itself.'
I recommend a meditative entrance into your thinking when you're wanting to evaluate yours goals & observe the negative patterns of your cognition. You go into meditation and then delicately antagonize your mental chatter and observe the mind while its trying to wrestle your stability. To observe how your goals change your feelings. You deserve to love and be loved. You deserve to feel satisfaction and joy. 'You exist in time but you belong to eternity. You are a penetration of eternity into the world of time. You are deathless, living in a body of death.'
So, what do you want to accomplish, feel, believe? Write it down. If you do not write it down, it is not a goal, it is just a wish. Why do you have passion for these? Write it down. How can you begin to achieve it? Write that down. What are the thoughts you want to change? Write them down. How can you change each thought towards the enjoyment of it? That's essentially why you dwell on the lack of having it, right? You enjoyed it so much you are sad when you no longer have it. Now write down examples of what you adored. Be sure to re-direct your cogitation towards the appreciation of the happening and away from not having it. If you actively incorporate your goals and positive affirmations when you detect a downward spiral the momentum of your negativity should dissipate. I recommend keeping a copy of what you written on hand so you may read it when needed. With time and determination it will come more naturally to correct your thinking. You will notice less disappointment and more of the positive aspects of what you have chosen to focus on. As you gain momentum I hope you will appreciate the new opportunities that present themselves. The laws of the universe working in harmony with an awaken consciousness is stronger than hundreds who are not in concert with them. A matured super-ego takes time and a beneficial direction. Be patient and have fun. You never have yesterday. You never have tomorrow. You only possess the key to unlock the possibility of NOW.
Where are you going?
Which way should I go?
That depends on where you are going.
I don't know.
Then it doesn't matter which way you go.
-Lewis Carroll
I polarize in order to question, stabilizing fearlessness. I seal the output of intelligence with the lunar tone of challenge. I am guided by the power of elegance.
I polarize in order to question, stabilizing fearlessness. I seal the output of intelligence with the lunar tone of challenge. I am guided by the power of elegance.
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