Saturday, January 28, 2017

Astrology Jan 23rd - 29th

Sun in Aquarius: 
Moon in Sagittarius: Kickstarting the week with two days of compulsive need for expansion.  A good time to evaluate where we need more freedom, what is important and if we are heading toward the right point on the horizon. 
Mercury in Capricorn: Inconspicuous contemplations and expressions. Potentially a solemn time needed to create internal or literal structure before we emerge from Winter’s hibernation and Mercury’s retrograde shadow. A time to break down projects, ideas and thought processes into manageable parts. Be weary of becoming impatient, judgmental and easily bothered by others.  Release disappointment to find extraordinarily valuable exchanges. 
Venus in Pisces: One month of sensitized change in personal relations and sensual self expression. Borders and personal boundaries may begin to blur.  Caution if allowing yourself to be victimized or deluded.  Rather cultivate more compassion for your suffering and learn to recognize other’s as we all are different streams of consciousness flowing out of the same deep sea.  
Mars in Pisces: Six weeks of sensitivity. A withdrawn nature to explore the secret mystical depths of your reality. Subtle emotions surface and you may tire easily.
Jupiter in Libra: One year transit of evaluating partnerships and the role they play in your life. A good opportunity to make progress in interpersonal relations and release those that do not support your vision.  Find the balance between self service and serving others.
Saturn in Sagittarius: 2-3 year transit deepening the mental activity to seriously concentrate upon new horizons. Broaden goals including metaphysical, mental, spiritual, and material. What is the true source of moral and ethical evaluation that lies within you?
Uranus in Aries: A seven year transit (Started in 2013) Impulsive changes. Disruptive behaviors creating a stressful time causing great internal pressure. A time of tremendous creativity and unexpected resolutions. 
Neptune in Pisces: Fourteen year transit (began in 2009) Unconsciousness influences a desire to connect with the Higher self. 
Pluto in Capricorn: A sixteen year transit (2010) Transformation within patterns of your professional life. A juggling act of many demands and commitments. It is a marathon not a sprint. 
Chiron in Pisces: A six year transit re-examining your deepest feelings to define yourself in terms of your own private universe. Deep-seated old wounds surface in new scenarios to face these issues and evolve into your potential. 

Weekly Aspects:

January 23rd
Mercury sextile Neptune
Moon trine Uranus and square Venus

January 24th
Moon sextile Jupiter, conjunct Saturn, square Mars then moves into Capricorn
Venus conjoins Chiron

January 25th
Moon sextile Neptune and conjoin Mercury

January 26th
Moon square Uranus and Jupiter
Moon sextile Venus and Mars

January 27th
Moon moves into Aquarius
Venus square Saturn
NEW MOON (Sun conjoin moon)
Mars moves into Aries

January 28th
Moon sextile Uranus and Saturn, square Jupiter

January 29th
Moon moves into Pisces

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Astrology Jan 16th - 22nd


Sun - Capricorn: Outward manifestations are developing your public self. A good time for career advancements and receiving reward for all efforts. If you’ve neglect your disciplines you will suffer more than needed. 
Moon - Virgo (Conjunct South Node of Moon): Two days of details, cleanliness and finding order.  Reaping the bounty and rewards earned through diligence to ones service.
Mercury - Capricorn: Three weeks of inconspicuous contemplations and expressions. Potentially a solemn time needed to create internal or literal structure before we emerge from Winter’s hibernation and Mercury’s retrograde shadow. A time to break down projects, ideas and thought processes into manageable parts; then begin taking strategic action. Be weary of becoming impatient, judgmental and easily bothered by others.  Release disappointment to find extraordinarily valuable exchanges. 
Venus - Pisces: One month of sensitized change in personal relations and sensual self expression. Borders and personal boundaries may begin to blur.  Caution if allowing yourself to be victimized or deluded.  Rather cultivate more compassion for your suffering and learn to recognize other’s as we all are different streams of consciousness flowing out of the same deep sea.  
Mars - Pisces: Six weeks of sensitivity. A withdrawn nature to explore the secret mystical depths of your reality. Subtle emotions surface and you may tire easily. 
Jupiter - Libra: One year transit of evaluating partnerships and the role they play in your life. A good opportunity to make progress in interpersonal relations and release those that do not support your vision.  Find the balance between self service and serving others.
Saturn - Sagittarius: 2-3 year transit deepening the mental activity to seriously concentrate upon new horizons. Broaden goals including metaphysical, mental, spiritual, and material. What is the true source of moral and ethical evaluation that lies within you?
Uranus - Aries: A seven year transit (Started in 2013) Impulsive changes. Disruptive behaviors creating a stressful time causing great internal pressure. A time of tremendous creativity and unexpected resolutions. 
Neptune - Pisces: Fourteen year transit (began in 2009) Unconsciousness influences a desire to connect with the Higher self. 
Pluto - Capricorn: A sixteen year transit (2010) Transformation within patterns of your professional life. A juggling act of many demands and commitments. It is a marathon not a sprint. 
Chiron - Pisces: A six year transit re-examining your deepest feelings to define yourself in terms of your own private universe. Deep-seated old wounds surface in new scenarios to face these issues and evolve into your potential. 

This week will be a quiter week providing several opportunities to  establish a routine laying the groundwork for all plans/intentions/goals set at New Year.  How badly do you want to achieve what you've intended?  Are you willing to put in the effort to reap the reward?

January 16th
Moon opposing Mars and square Saturn
Mars conjunction Chiron
Sun trine Moon

January 17th
Moon moves into Libra then squares Mercury
Mars signals to Jupiter

January 18th
Moon opposing Uranus
Moon conjunct Jupiter

January 19th
Moon sextile saturn to start the day
Mars square Saturn
Sun moves into Aquarius: Positive sign of Saturn, fixed Air, lower legs of the cosmic person, the water bearer. The needs of the masses come to the forefront of interpersonal happenings.
Moon moves into Scorpio squaring the Sun

January 20th
Moon sextile Mercury and trine Neptune

January 21st
Moon trine Venus and trine Mars

January 22nd
Moon moves into Sagittarius sextile Sun square Neptune

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Astrology Jan 9th - Jan 15th

Placement of Planets Jan 8th 11:59PM
***5 Placements in Pisces
Sun in Capricorn: Outward manifestations are developing your public self. A good time for career advancements and receiving reward for all efforts. If you’ve neglected your disciplines you will suffer more than needed. 
Moon in Gemini: Energizing adaptability stimulates playfulness for 2 days. It is best to speculate your motives and pursue authentic ideas, fantasies, sciences, language. 
Mercury in Sagittarius: 
Venus in Pisces:
Mars in Pisces: Six weeks of sensitivity. A withdrawn nature to explore the secret mystical depths of your reality. Subtle emotions surface and you may tire easily.
Jupiter in Libra: One year transit of evaluating partnerships and the role they play in your life. A good opportunity to make progress in interpersonal relations and release those that do not support your vision.  Find the balance between self service and serving others.
Saturn in Sagittarius: 2-3 year transit deepening the mental activity to seriously concentrate upon new horizons. Broaden goals including metaphysical, mental, spiritual, and material. What is the true source of moral and ethical evaluation that lies within you?
Uranus in Aries: A seven year transit (Started in 2013) Impulsive changes. Disruptive behaviors creating a stressful time causing great internal pressure. A time of tremendous creativity and unexpected resolutions. 
Neptune in Pisces: Fourteen year transit (began in 2009) Unconsciousness influences a desire to connect with the Higher self. 
Pluto in Capricorn: A sixteen year transit (2010) Transformation within patterns of your professional life. A juggling act of many demands and commitments. It is a marathon not a sprint. 
Chiron in Pisces: A six year transit re-examining your deepest feelings to define yourself in terms of your own private universe. Deep-seated old wounds surface in new scenarios to face these issues and evolve into your potential. 

This week is a inter-dimensional healing opportunity. 

Jan 9th:  
  • Moon in Gemini square Venus, Mars and Neptune: feelings challenge personal magnetism, drive and intuition. Tense sensuality. 
  • Sextile Uranus: feelings flow with intuition.  Perhaps unconventionally reworking personal living habits. 

Jan 10th:
  • Moon trine jupiter, opposing Saturn and Mercury
  • Sun square Uranus
  • Moon moves into Cancer
  • Mars squares Chiron

Jan 11th:
  • Sun sextile Chiron, 
  • Moon trine Venus, Neptune and Mars
  • TAROT CARD: Four of Water - The Flood.  Moon in Cancer. A reflection of the flowing subconscious. Looking into the eye of the storm.  As old structures dissolve away re-attune to your newfound Truth. A lot of healing potential if willing to bring a presence to your physical and environmental structures. The cup is full and ready to be emptied.
Jan 12th:
  • Moon square Uranus and Jupiter
  • Mercury moves into Capricorn,
  • square moon. 
  • TAROT CARD: Four of Fire - Flame of Spirit. The wheel of fortune is about to turn. The first endpoint is reached. Rejoice.  Be ready to abandon old attachments flowing freely into the next part of the cycle.
  • Moon moves into Leo
  • PISCES: The complete dissolve. Removal of the waste left behind in our wake. 
Jan 13th:
  • No aspects
Jan 14th:
  • Moon trine Venus, Uranus and Saturn, sextile Jupiter, moves into Virgo
Jan 15th:
  • Moon opposing Venus/Pisces 

Monday, January 2, 2017

New Year Astrology: Jan 1st - Jan 8th

New Year Astrology
Placement of Planets Jan 1st 12:00AM
Sun in Capricorn: Outward manifestations are developing your public self. A good time for career advancements and receiving reward for all efforts. If you’ve neglected your disciplines you will suffer more than needed. 
Moon in Aquarius: A two day time of being pulled to express your feelings in social schemes and actualizing your dreams. A good placement to think about goals and group activities. (A good placement supporting the New Age)
Mercury in Capricorn: Restless thought and impatient conclusions. 
Venus in Aquarius: Three weeks of introspection and valuing the subtle emotions shared with others.  Simplicity is the key for this placement allowing a more compassionate nature to emerge.  This are best when searching to understand humanity and service for others. (Another placement supporting the New Age’s momentum)
Mars in Pisces: Six weeks of sensitivity. A withdrawn nature to explore the secret mystical depths of your reality. Subtle emotions surface and you may tire easily.
Jupiter in Libra: One year transit of evaluating partnerships and the role they play in your life. A good opportunity to make progress in interpersonal relations and release those that do not support your vision.  Find the balance between self service and serving others.
Saturn in Sagittarius: 2-3 year transit deepening the mental activity to seriously concentrate upon new horizons. Broaden goals including metaphysical, mental, spiritual, and material. What is the true source of moral and ethical evaluation that lies within you?
Uranus in Aries: A seven year transit (Started in 2013) Impulsive changes. Disruptive behaviors creating a stressful time causing great internal pressure. A time of tremendous creativity and unexpected resolutions. 
Neptune in Pisces: Fourteen year transit (began in 2009) Unconsciousness influences a desire to connect with the Higher self. 
Pluto in Capricorn: A sixteen year transit (2010) Transformation within patterns of your professional life. A juggling act of many demands and commitments. It is a marathon not a sprint. 
Chiron in Pisces: A six year transit re-examining your deepest feelings to define yourself in terms of your own private universe. Deep-seated old wounds surface in new scenarios to face these issues and evolve into your potential. 

Jan 1st:  
  • Moon in Aquarius sextile Uranus, Trine Jupiter, sextile Saturn, conjunct Venus

Jan 2nd:
  • Moon moves into Pisces, sextile mercury, conjunct neptune and mars
  • Venus moves into Pisces
  • Water is the universal solvent dissolving the temporary nature of things
Jan 3rd:
  • Sun sextile moon, 
  • Moon sextile chiron, square Saturn
  • Mercury sextile venus

Jan 4th:
  • Mercury moves into Sagittarius, square moon 
  • Moon moves into Aries

Jan 5th:
  • First quarter square moon in Aries
  • Moon square chiron, uranus , conjunct uranus, opposing Jupiter, trine Saturn
Jan 6th:
  • Moon trine mercury before moving into taurus, sextile venus
  • Sun conjunct Chiron
Jan 7th:
  • Sexitle neptune and mars, trine chron
  • Sun trine moon
Jan 8th:
  • Mercury stations Direct
  • Moon goes into Gemini

Sunday, January 1, 2017



“Within us
are powers and abilities
that are like invisible sparks
waiting to be fanned
into brilliant flames.
H. SPENCER LEWIS (1883-1939)”

Capricorn, the mountain goat, who can see the peak of the mountain and each step along the way.  Last December (’15) The new moon in Capricorn illuminated my personal quest for establishing a newfound personal identity into society. Having just returned from training at The Yoga Forest in Guatemala, acquiring a 200hr RYT and 75hr PDC; I held a vision within my heart of being a healing connection for all in my community. And at the new year I set goals to begin teaching yoga, create a business and launch a website, live my practice on and off my mat, to inspire others with my self-mastery disciplines: health wealth and freedom. 
This year the new moon in Capricorn re-iterates a similar lesson: that the manifestation of these dreams/visions/intentions is a slow laborious climb of a mountain rather than sprint to the top. AND The secret to your future is a magnetic compass within, driven by your habitual routines and inner vision.  This past year painfully gave me the space to realign my inner compass of habits, beliefs, and words to support a new vision:

It is my Divine calling to prepare to be a rebel in the system; 
self-mastery - sustaining disciplines: body mind breath, knowledge - subjects: see list, protection - Cherubim: german shepherd, Business/conveyance - LIFE Leadership, freedom - buy my time back and rely on Self, Lunar Warrior - restructure/find a way to profit/platform for my voice, purpose - raise the awareness of the IMMEDIATE work that needs to be done on Earth, inspiration - the power of Source.

Affirmation of this newfound self identity: read aloud daily.
It is my dominant intention to master my body breath and mind as they are tools for my spirits expansion. I am here on Earth to help others and raise the awareness of the IMMEDIATE work that needs done.  I have a part to play because my passions matter.  We all matter.  As a highly-valued person I am in high demand; with a nurturing family, great friends, fulfilling passions and loving the work I do.  My internal cup is full and I willingly share God’s love with ALL others, knowing we all are suffering from the toxicity of the world.  I know the great potential of stepping into my best Self is within grasp each day.  This inspires an unwavering desire within me to connect with the Source of higher knowledge and experience the synchronicity of the Universe. 

Self-Mastery Disciplines
Morning Routine:
Smile // Hydrate // Eliminate
Primary Series: sun salute A & B 
10min Meditation - set posture, breath and intention.
Evening Routine:
Unpack belongings // Prep breakfast & H2O
House upkeep
Planner // Casting // Read
Dream Journal

Health and Personal Growth:
Clearly understand vision for life
Ashtanga Primary Series
Emotional healing - counseling
Cleanse my lymphatic system 

Creative Outlets:
Writing, painting, dancing, singing, ukulele
Subjects of Study:
Astrology, spirituality, alchemy, ayurveda, yoga, art therapy, nutritional healing, permaculture, grass-roots movements, sustainable living, mechanics, business, personal development, canine obedience
Launching a Leadership Revolution - Chris Brady & Orrin Woodward
Your Body Your Yoga - Bernie Clark
The Power of Habit - Charles Duhigg
The Holographic Universe - Michael Talbot
Tarot of the Spirit - Pamela Eakins PhD
Astrology of the Seers - David Frawley
Yogāsana: The Encyclopedia of Yoga Poses - Yogrishi Vishvketu, PhD
Prescription for Nutritional Healing: Fifth Edition - Phyllis A. Balch CNC

Reclaiming Our Food: Denckla Cobb