Sun in Aquarius:
Moon in Sagittarius: Kickstarting the week with two days of compulsive need for expansion. A good time to evaluate where we need more freedom, what is important and if we are heading toward the right point on the horizon.
Mercury in Capricorn: Inconspicuous contemplations and expressions. Potentially a solemn time needed to create internal or literal structure before we emerge from Winter’s hibernation and Mercury’s retrograde shadow. A time to break down projects, ideas and thought processes into manageable parts. Be weary of becoming impatient, judgmental and easily bothered by others. Release disappointment to find extraordinarily valuable exchanges.
Venus in Pisces: One month of sensitized change in personal relations and sensual self expression. Borders and personal boundaries may begin to blur. Caution if allowing yourself to be victimized or deluded. Rather cultivate more compassion for your suffering and learn to recognize other’s as we all are different streams of consciousness flowing out of the same deep sea.
Mars in Pisces: Six weeks of sensitivity. A withdrawn nature to explore the secret mystical depths of your reality. Subtle emotions surface and you may tire easily.
Jupiter in Libra: One year transit of evaluating partnerships and the role they play in your life. A good opportunity to make progress in interpersonal relations and release those that do not support your vision. Find the balance between self service and serving others.
Saturn in Sagittarius: 2-3 year transit deepening the mental activity to seriously concentrate upon new horizons. Broaden goals including metaphysical, mental, spiritual, and material. What is the true source of moral and ethical evaluation that lies within you?
Uranus in Aries: A seven year transit (Started in 2013) Impulsive changes. Disruptive behaviors creating a stressful time causing great internal pressure. A time of tremendous creativity and unexpected resolutions.
Neptune in Pisces: Fourteen year transit (began in 2009) Unconsciousness influences a desire to connect with the Higher self.
Pluto in Capricorn: A sixteen year transit (2010) Transformation within patterns of your professional life. A juggling act of many demands and commitments. It is a marathon not a sprint.
Chiron in Pisces: A six year transit re-examining your deepest feelings to define yourself in terms of your own private universe. Deep-seated old wounds surface in new scenarios to face these issues and evolve into your potential.
Weekly Aspects:
January 23rd
Mercury sextile Neptune
Moon trine Uranus and square Venus
January 24th
Moon sextile Jupiter, conjunct Saturn, square Mars then moves into Capricorn
Venus conjoins Chiron
January 25th
Moon sextile Neptune and conjoin Mercury
January 26th
Moon square Uranus and Jupiter
Moon sextile Venus and Mars
January 27th
Moon moves into Aquarius
Venus square Saturn
NEW MOON (Sun conjoin moon)
Mars moves into Aries
January 28th
Moon sextile Uranus and Saturn, square Jupiter
January 29th
Moon moves into Pisces