Wednesday, October 28, 2015

An Adventure into The Yoga Forest

Much of my young life was spent feeling inadequate; maturing later than all girls of my age, blaming myself for my father running out on our family, even my religious savior titled me a 'sinner'.  This list could go on and on.  Most societies, especially media driven America, constantly scrutinize all details of who we are encouraging the masses to feel inadequate.  This belittlement paired with fear-based beliefs create a feeling of inferiority that has driven the patriarchy for centuries.  An internal pair of shackles weighing down our subconscious.  Tying us to the belief that our life does not matter and who we are, exactly as we are, is not enough.  I am taking a stand and proud to declare I AM ENOUGH!  As an awakening part of this ever-changing magnificent fruitful world, I take responsibility for my life with a dominant intention to act from an internal place of contentedness.  I actively release a toxic ego built upon a world of mirrors, in essence, actively striving to heal my body mind breath and connection with Spirit. It is from this center that I chose to study abroad this November and December.
The Yoga Forest is my destination and said to be a place of healing and transformation. Here, I believe I can heal my connection with spirit, with others and with nature.  I will immerse myself in the study of yoga and permaculture. Yoga is a vary diverse practice of ancient tradition teaching inner inquiry and unity of self.  Modernly it's simplified into eight limbs. These limbs focus upon creating the space to embrace the fullness of connecting to life. Permaculture is also a very diverse and growing study of observing and working with nature to build a restorative and yielding system.  There are 12 permaculture principles centered upon 3 concepts: care for the Earth, care for the people and fair share.  These principles allow the designer to essentially create the space for the ecosystem to demonstrate its own evolution. "As we step into deep ecology and recognize ourselves as a necessary part of the ecosystem and the world that we breath, we begin to recognize the impacts we make."(...) When the 5 weeks are over I will earn a 200hr Yoga Teacher Certification and a 75hr Permaculture Design Certificate! 

I feel like the caterpillar that has a gut feeling about the soon to come transformation of self and purpose.  I want to pollinate the ideas of others.  Help them find their genius and flourish an idea that serves themselves and their community.  We're all capable of finding 'center', the place of complete acceptance and honesty of self.  It is my dominant intention while on this trip to find my center, heal myself through connection with this center and learn how to share the knowledge of yoga & permaculture with others.