Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A Moment In Fantasia

My wondering gaze upon the smooth silkiness of your surface.
I see parts of you through your tamed mane and a transfixed gaze
upon my vulnerability beginning to blossom like a flower ambitious
to embrace the dynamic flow of passion when our spirits ablaze.
Pulled towards this magnetizing moment I peak behind the walls of your velvety palace.
Wondering what drives the complex melodic center of such a benevolent essence?
Playfully embraced I am guided into fantasia by the lushness
of lips placed purposefully motivating an unspoken dulcet eloquence.
A perfectly timed fantasy far far away from an overwhelming reality.
A moment quickly passed by within this ever-changing world of luminescence.
A spark of passion lighting the wick of my creative vitality.
A lingering hope to once again return to the warmth of his focused vehemence.


Friday, December 12, 2014

Friday December 12th - A practical application of an ever-changing mind

I was born on a third quarter moon with the sun rising in Gemini at 3:53AM on May 24th, 1992. A third quarter moon rises around midnight, appears as its highest in the sky at dawn and sets around noon. The moon is about three quarters of the way through it's orbit of earth. The moon leading the sun into the day; the emotion guiding the expression. Today at 11:47 The last quarter moon was exact in Virgo, the virgin, the mother of earth. A time when we seek to purify one's self, emotionally and physically. This earthly energy is bringing focus upon adjusting your disciplines to move forward. The smallest changes will simplify our obstacles. Resonant constructive energy lingers in my existence. Energy inspired by the karmic whirlpool of everyday life. Venus went into Capricorn almost exactly 48 hours ago on December 10th at 11:42AM. This cardinal earth energy weighing the goddess of love to a stoic attitude within all interactions. Strong stimuli rippling inspiration to become involved in your identity. My mind's eye seems to be fixated upon wringing myself out of the unneccessary suffering of my existence and the suffering of others. Leaving space for healing and detachment to flood my heart coming from a disciplined head of reason. Empowering energy simplifying our actions. Yesterday the moon while in Leo squared Saturn in Scorpio dampening the atmosphere after Mercury in Saggitarius trined a recently retrograde Jupiter in Leo. Expansive communication aiming the spotlight upon what you want to grow while the 'wise man' of the ego, the guide of our intuition brings a critical look upon the direct attention we receive. This now feels forever expansive all the while suffocating the old opinions I held of myself. The desire to dig up the dirt of my deepest burried sufferings pressures the wounded healer of myself, a Chiron in Leo until December 14th opposing Mars in Aquarius, to focus upon my ideals and my social progress. The shedding of a false opinion of one's identity in personal, professional and social settings. The release to find healing, peace, relaxation, nirvana. This past month meditation has become an increasingly integrated part to my everyday existence. Also I've begun ethusiastically practicing yoga after letting my body heal from injury. Grounding my mind and body upon the center of my mat and the rhythm of my heart. Emotional exhaustion echo the steps I take toward my dreams and intentions. Traveling through the deep, dense underwold of Scorpio in October and November stirred the complacent waters of my self. As these sedements settle I can plainly see some old ideals no longer have a place as new expectations arise.